Side Story - Part Two

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Christian POV

Borne in a royal blood sometime was not really a blessing thing. As a third prince from different concubine my existence supposed not held any meaning aside empty power. However, the God blessed me with intelligence that surpassed other siblings. This caused a great headache to Royal father. Thus, he decided to choose the next king using a test.

Of course, the queen and his son opposed the idea and a few fractions appeared. They would use any method eliminating the potential rival. Each time, it could count as a lucky as I was escaping the narrow dead door.

Finally, I got tired and issued the retreat petition to Royal Father. First, he opposed it, but I had slyly leaked the news to public to denounce my title as a prince. With that, we left the country with loyal people. I found the empty land and decided to build our beginning mark at there.

We took almost five years building the new country. The townsfolk increase ten times. Some were immigrants, refugees and wanderers. The country stabilized but not fully peace yet. The war still incurred because the neighbor country sees us as a potential enemy.

With warrior spirit and help from an alliance, we become one of fearless enemy. We attacked to defend our country but we never take any initiative to invade another country unless they invaded our country. The country is becoming prosperous until one of five great country declared a war on us.

For years, there still no solution. The blood poured out like a red river. We lost quite numbered of expert warriors in that unnecessary bloodshed. Today, another war happened again. From my stand, I saw my brave warriors fight against the enemies. Some successful killed their enemies; some were lost their lives in an honorable way. My heart tightened each time the warriors lost their lives.

The scenery can have explained as if human life is a cheapest. All those fallen warriors have someone anxiously waiting them back. Parents, siblings, wife, children and friend. It had been countless times I had witnessed the same scene over and over. Why human so greedy and filthy? Why they need trampled others country like ants? Why we can't coexist?

In the middle of resentful thinking, I detected the odd staring. I turned my head to the left side but unfortunately see nothing. However, I have spotted some grass and leaf movement without wind. Using the sensor spell, I could see some human figures, man and woman also the kids leaving the battlefield. At that time, the curiosity probed my heart deeply but I can't move from the chaotic battlefield.

Who are they?

The questioned kept appearing in my mind, day and night. I also had inspected the place but no trace found. Finally, I gave up and think it as a hallucination. The day turn week, a week turned into a month. The chaotic battlefield met its stalemate. Both parties were having some big casualties and become weak.

Today, we will be deciding who will survive in this a month war. The soldiers already reached their limit under the gloomy sky. I sturdy sit on the horse, waiting final matched with the enemy general. The chaotic battle starts again using the last will in both parties.

The result of the battle only side with us with small margin win. Although, we managed to defeat the enemy, the sense of win never occurred. We had lost many great souls here, so how we want to face these worried faces back in the capital later. This is a main reason while I hate bloodshed and war, why I was choosing to withdraw from crown nomination. I rather bear a title as a coward than command people to death door.

"Arghh...arghhh..." I screamed heart content when facing the lifeless warrior's body.

"Your Majesty, please don't sully their dead. They gave their life in protecting the country and their dear one. If your majesty regret this mean they had died in vain." Larson, the chief deputy patted my shoulder. He is my best friend and we never separated since we were kids.

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