Chapter 7

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Hey guys!  First off have you heard 1D's leaked song Diana! It honestly makes me cry cause it just describes my life... but on a happier note I actually got a question!!! Like I wasn't even expecting to get one! I

Well here it is:

Sent in by @vanessaSTYLESforever "Have you ever traveled anywhere else in the world?" Yes, actually just recently I went to Mexico.(And by recently I mean a year.)

Well that was my only question...but I'm hoping to see some more cause I'm a anti-social, lazy child who has nothing better to do.



~(Sent in by @vanessaSTYLESforever) "Oh, I hate how the race is the same in every story. Like any colored skin can win One Direction's heart."

You are completely right, I personally believe Harry would look good with a person of Hispanic origin or maybe a (not being racist) white/black mix person.

~(Sent in by @RabidSquirrelMonkey) "I hate how Julia's pregnant and he like hits her or cheats on her and she leaves, then she sees him a year later (always in a coffee shop or at a fucking park) and he doesn't recognize her in the slightest. WHO THE FUCK FORGETS THEIR EX GIRLFRIEND AND UNBORN FETUS AFTER A YEAR!?!?!?"

Like, I don't have words to describe the perfection of this statement.

~(Sent in by @iloveliam9365) " When the author has to describe the boy's personalities. Its like I think I motherfucking know who they are. If I didn't I wouldn't be reading this."

Exactly! Especially when its all just the first chapter, I don't even bother to keep reading.

~(Sent in by @niallhoranforever993) "I hate when the author doesn't update for a long ass time and if they leave you at a huge cliffy I shall find you and force you to update!"

*Virtual highfive*

Okay my turn *cracks knuckles* (also not all of these are mine, I ran out of ideas.)

~The moment when Louis takes out a bag of carrots. The story immediately goes downhill.


~"His lips crashed into mine.."

And here we go again! Its like orbs but worse

~How it seems the people in the story never sleep.

Like what the hell? How can they still be walking!

It must be the Starbucks...

~Julia: Omg the directioners sent hate to me, I'm going to cut and become bulimic. Main boy: Promise me you won't do it again I love you. Main girl: Okay.

Okay I'll tell you people once and only once stuff like that is not that easy to just stop.

Get it, got it, good.

~When the girl's mom dies and her step-dad abuses her, so she runs away and one of the boys asks her what's wrong.

Bitch, please.

~When the author ends the chapter with "This should be interesting ;)" or "You know what happens next ;)"

*Excited like voice* No!

~When taking a shower is described as "I turned on the shower and let the hot water roll down my backside as I feel my muscles relax."

Girl, you need to leave.


I've got caramel corn now, be jelly.

Don't forget to either ask a question, send in what annoys you, or both

If you want to, not like I'm forcing's just I mean it would make me happy.

Skylar :)


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