Chapter 12 {Part 1}

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Hey long time no si! Sorry but it was homecoming week and I've been really busy!

@iEatCookie glad to see I entertain you!

Skylar :D


~(@The_Dancing_Cow) " When they were best friends for 13 years and then he becomes famous and forgets Julia. JUST GO FUCK YOURSELF."

So true, every single time I come across a story and realize the plot line is like that. I just quit reading. I mean we all know what'll happen next he'll come back, remember her, date her, screw it up, then win over her heart again, and finally spend the rest of his life with her as if nothing happened.

Either that, or I'm the only one that has realized this, an I'm truly psychic.

~(@iEatCookie) "When the door won't open in a story... and then randomly, this skinny girl presses her hand to it... and it opens... I Am Lost.

Me Too.

~(@JadaTomlinson24) " I hate how all Liam wants to do is watch Toy Story! It's like come on, can't we get some 10 inch action! I don't want no Pixar night! Gosh!"

Okay, I know this is really off topic but your comment reminded me of this post I saw on Tumblr. You see these people were having a discussion on Toy Story, and some how they got on the topic if sex toys could talk. And this other person put down "You've got a friend in me.."

I legitly about pissed from laughter.

~(@heeheedragon97) "I hate when Julia has had a terrible past but once she meets the male celebrity, she knows nothing of it.

Julia: Oh, my parents were drug addicts.

Male Celebrity: Hey, I love you.

Julia: *five freaking seconds later* My life never existed! :D"

I don't know what too write besides I agree with you and... hi.

~(@tofightthislove) "One of the things that annoy me most is when at the start of the fanfic she's cutting and he comes home an finds her and she promises not to ever do it again and two seconds later they're having sex. Like no. Just simply no. You don't cut and have sex two seconds later. Ans if you do you have amazing mood swings. Like really..."

Look at the picture on the side if it worked >>>>

~(@Bidany) "I hate how if Julia misses one of the boys when their on tour, they stop the tour just to go visit her, I mean REALLY?!? THIS IS ONE FUCKING DIRECTION WERE TALKING ABOUT, THE WORLDS NUMBER ONE BOYBAND THEY CAN'T JUST STOP EVERTHING TO BE WITH HER! They have thousands of people waiting for them to perform I JUST AHHHH... I JUST CAN'T"

So true! Authors always make Julia so fucking clingy!


One D boy: Sorry I'm late babe!

Julia: Where were you! Are you cheating on me! Is it me, or you, you never spend time with me anymore I should of known something was up!

*bashes head into keyboard*

~(@clairedivin) "I hate it when her parents either abuse, didn't want her or, treat her siblings better than her. Why can't her parents be normal and caring?"

Exactly some of the things authors have the parents do sicken me. It gets so old after a while when every story has bad parents.

~(@XxKlutz) " When Harry-it's always Harry-just  gives his number to this makeup-less, sweatpants wearing girl during the meet and greet session. Like c'mon, I'm pretty sure the chances of this happening is zero percent. And secondly even if that happens, she is gonna be murdered by the time she reaches the exit, by the other crazy fangirls."

You know I would actually pay to see Julia attacked by fangirls. #sorrynotsorry #justkidding #hashtagsarestupid #I'mdonenow

~(hmadison13) " I hate when the author is trying to be all ghetto in the story but they don't want to cuss so he/she will use the little bit** thing or say other words like beach Richards cranium fudgeballs county... etc you get my point."

What's up with you people and the word fudge you're not helping me get any skinnier, jk, I do get your point.

~(@AwkwardTurtles66) "When the author blanks out swear words like f*ck or sh*t I WONDER WHAT'S BEHIND THERE A F*CKING UNICORN? Or when there is a whole chapter dedicated  to self harm, trigger warning? Andddd when the change point of views twenty times a paragraph."

I absolutely HATE point of view changes like this:

{Louis's POV}

If you all want to see the correct way of shifting point of views go read Dark, Dangerous Love by @MollyNight

The girl got skills.

~(@Runaway_Withme) "Hiii I hate when the guys dating the girl because he's bet to. Yes some people can be desperate but I don't think that one of the boys would swoop so low to take a girls virginity then leave. Bitch bye."


~When the author doesn't bother to go back an edit, and they have 100+ grammar/spelling mistakes.

I literally can't function well with stuff like this, some of the most easiest words will be spelt incorrectly, it makes me wonder if some people never of heard of proof-reading.

~ When the author has a real life girlfriend act like a total bitch but in ()'s puts "Don't worry I like so-an so, this is only for the story!"

Really? I think we know.


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