Chapter 20

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Oh my goodness! Chapter 20! We've made into the 2 digits guys...


~ Harrys hair is always described as "curly'.

Like, honestly have you seen his hair lately it isn't curly it's kind of straight then it does this little woosh thing at the end... yeah.

*Self-realization moment, that I suck at describing things*

~ Copying other stories or plagiarism is a pretty big thing here on Wattpad

I was even accused of it for this stories old cover (which was honestly not even intentional, but me and the author worked it out).

But some people on here take the time of day to literally copy, practically word for word of another authors story and claim it as their own.

That person, you copy from spends their time and effort on that story coming up with the plot, new ideas, and characters and you just steal it!?

Bitch, you need Jesus.

~ Apparently the only way to have a first date is either a movie, or carnival in the Fan Fiction world.

Because you know roller blading, a nice dinner, going to the park or however else people spend first dates are out of the question.

~ (Idea from @Valentina_Spinks) When authors clearly don't know the difference between "you're and your"

Here let me help you!

You're: You are

Your: as in "yo man that's YOUR jacket."

You're welcome.

~ When the storyline is so easy to decide on what'll happen next.

 The actually funny thing is some people don't pick up on it!

Like half the comment board will be like;


And like it was obvious since the first chapter...

~ "His tongue asked for entrance."

At least it's polite...

~ The boy in plaid.

The boy in stripes running around on a caffeine high.

A boy with a large amount of curls.

A blonde Irish man.

And an extremely hot boy with a large quiff are the only way to describe the boys.

I mean does Liam even wear plaid anymore?

~"Where's Niall?" I asked Harry as a an Irish accent called from the kitchen "In here!"


~ What's up with some stories having Harry call his girlfriend all these sexual nicknames?

I mean I get it. It's a story and all but, you do realize 11 and 12 year old children read this too...


~ Titles that don't go along with the story.

Like it could be "Depressed, Lonely, and One Direction.." but be about a girl running around screaming about sprinkles and unicorns while she's all buddy-buddy with the boys.

I mean where the fuck did that come from?

Did I miss something? Because I feel like I did...

~ "Adopted By Elounor!"

Wait, hold up their both 21 and ARE NOT MARRIED. So why would they adopt a 17 year old girl!

There's only a 4 year age gap... like come on guys...


 Would anyone be interested in making me a new cover?

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