Chapter 9

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@JadaTomlinson24 I'm always willing to have a new friend haha!

@Stofry I know Vegemite's absolutely disgusting!

@Zhara_Malik I'm absolutely in love with Michael Clifford from 5SOS! And if you mean that you put the bully/Jesus thing on your profile, I do know what you mean! But if you didn't I have no clue...

@vanessaSTYLESforever I'm in love with the Uniquely Perfect series! 

@TheLetterStar  Haha no I'm not an introvert I was just joking with the whole anti-social thing! XD 

That's it for questions/responses! Here's what you guys said on what annoys you!

Skylar (Keep sending in stuff!)


~(@fireignited) "I hate it when people use things like this: : "Cn u see, I don't hate u, I luv u foreva!" I also hate it when people don't use proper punctuation and commas and colons. Ex. "We went to the store and bought boxes of doughnut's and my friend said I totally cant wait to eat these!!!!! Just a thought."

I completely agree with you especially with the whole text lingo crap, I mean write your story out! Jesus Christ...

~(@heAthluver_06) "I totally hate it when almost in every fanfic, the girl is usually a blonde.. or brunette."

Your completely true, I mean there are many different hair colors black, red, crazy colors like green, purple, heck I bet you right now as we speak some chick just died her hair the colors of the rainbow!

~(@TheLetteStar) "I find it annoying when they have the main characters meeting in a hotel room then one or two of the guys fall in love with the girl."

True dat...

~(@unsinkablestylinson) "How when Julia and Niall end up having a child that has natural blonde hair... And Julia has brunette hair. Like, how the fudgeballs? The child cannot have two brunette parents yet, be blonde. Related to this topic: Niall combed through his naturally blonde hair with his finger. If you loved him as much as you say, you'd know he bleaches it. He's naturally brunette/dirty blonde. Go sit yo bum down and have some vodka motha-trucka."

Motha-trucka! OmG I can't even!

~(@Runaway_Withme) " Have you noticed that in most fanfics when the girl gets preggo, she just leaves and doesn't tell the daddy (one of the boys) Seriously WHO IN THE FUCK WOULD LEAVE THE DADDY WHEN YOU ARE ABOUT TO HAVE A TEN POUND THING COME SHOOTING OUT OF YO VAGINA! It's like this: Find a good book, read it, get to the end and oh lovely... THE SEQUAL IS ABOUT YOU LOOKING AFTER ONE OF THEIR BABIES! Then when she does tell them they say " I'll do anything" and fall immediately for the child, if I were them I would have been crazy angry."

Oh my God! My cheeks hurt from laughing! XD

~(@Zhara_Malik) "One thing that annoys me is that the author says I tangled my fingers into his hair, like, what? I don't think that happens."

I mean her fingers would definitely get stuck in Harry's hair..

 Its like a lions mane.... rawr

~(@AwkwardTurtles66) "Its annoying when: The title is a song name but has nothing to do with the overall story. Eyes are orbs? Orbs make me think of some majestic shit. And the only way to describe them is curly hair. stripes, buzzcut, blonde and quaff.'


~(@paperslushi) "When in every Louis fanfic, Eleanor is a bitch. Like what the hell?"

I know right! I mean sure its for the story, but can't she be that really sweet ex, who the main girl is best friends with.. I'm pretty sure its possible.

~(@Niallisahottie) "When they're all like 'Louis went to the carrots, Niall went straight to the kitchen, Zayn immediately went to the mirror, and Liam went to watch toy story! Gurrral no!"

Exactly, I mean that stuff is 3 years ago... we've all gotten over are carrot stage.

~(@XxKlutz) "It annoys the shit out of me when there is no security around the boys. Like woah, no girl is gonna come and harm them. Celebrities who have topped the charts have no security towards them. AMAZING."

Your sarcasm in this is just perfection.

~(@tofightthislove) "I don't like it when you know she's running away without baggage. Like girl, how do you expect to survive?! But, I mean, at she knows One Direction will be there for her, right? Stop that shit!"

Haha, I know right, like we all know if we run away from home a multi-millionaire celebrity will happily take us in.

No, they'll probably look at you and go "Oh, look a hobo.. here's a fifty!"

~(@vanessaSTYLESforever) "The boys have to be really sexually active, I bet they aren't even like that in real life?! Also when Simon turns out to be her uncle -.-"

I KNOW RIGHT, I mean I don't like reading, sex, after, sex scene. Can't the boy be more cute, and romantic at least once with out getting it in?!

~(@ItsJenniferYall) "Julia comes knocking on Simons door saying she's his daughter, no. You just don't listen to some random girl since when did we accept that we have children without seeing some paper! I need a DNA test, birth certificate, and I need to know that I fucked your mother and even then I won't believe you I need some real proof even Maury is gonna have a hard time finding."

Its in his D-D-DNA.. no that's not all I got from that its just I saw that word and that Little Mix song came into my head.... lol but know, can I get a amen please!

~(@AwesomenessRequired) "When the author decides to write the Whole Chapter Like This... AHHH MY EYES!"

I know! And the worse thing is they think their being all "Grammatically correct" when in reality no, your not.

We all learned in like, 4th grade you capitalize the beginning, title, name, or major place in your sentence.

~(@BecauseOfZayn) "*Julia lives in the UK* *pays in US dollars get your fucking shit together."

That right there, is one of my biggest pet peeves when it comes to fanfics, no joke.

~(@JadaTomlinson24) " They always make it like Niall never shares his food! Like damn... he ain't selfish! Y'all act like you just found out their making a High school Musical 4!"

What do you call a oyster that won't share?



sorry I had a little Harry moment there...

~(@BritishMoustache) "I hate how the guys Tweet like 40 times a day, when in reality the barely Tweet that much in a month."


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