Why man

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We all read it. Even if we don't want to believe it, we all do.

It's not even the fanfiction part that I'm ranting about, it's those one-sided fanfics.

Like, I like Mulder from The X-Files, and finding a fanfic where the ship/love story isn't MulderxScully. And it's soooo frustrating! I'm convinced that the only fanfic where Mulder likes someone that isn't Scully is mine. (#unintentionalspon)

And those ones where the girl and the guy have so many cliché movie moments, like the boom box scene from Say Anything, or when Alison gets a makeover and wins over Andy in The Breakfast Club.

But above all, the almighty...

Unannounced smut.

Oh the horror.

I've been mentally scarred too many times by this and let me tell you, it's everywhere. Even in the most innocent fanfics, it's there, just waiting to pounce, just like men outside the theatre when 50 Shades of Grey came out.

Yeah.. so.. That's about it.

Post the things about fanfics that make you have a massive cringe attack! (Phandom where you at)

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