real talk.

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Ok so I'm going to get really real on here so here's a little catch up on moi.

So recently (the last year and a half), I've been experiencing really bad social anxiety, depression, and just anxiety in general. But my parents are convinced that it's "just a teen thing".


Not being physically able to talk to someone on the phone or talk to a cashier or sales person at a store isn't "just a teen thing".

For a while they actually took the depression part in and I started seeing a therapist last year. I went to about three sessions with her, but it didn't really help a lot because again, I have really bad social anxiety and couldn't talk to her about what was really going on. I haven't gone to see her since the end of the summer last year, but I've been wanting to start seeing another therapist.

Also my parents are convinced that I don't have anxiety of any form, but literally if you search up anxiety or social anxiety in Wikipedia, it describes me. I've been saying for a while when we go to restaurants and stuff like that when my dad tells me to order and I can't physically do it, he just says I'm shy. No, Christopher. Shy is when you're a little nervous of talking to a stranger. I cannot physically tell the woman my order without freaking out.

Speaking of an example, I went to a restaurant with my family, and I ordered a salad and a chocolate milkshake, but when the woman repeated it, it sounded like she said strawberry. But I couldn't say anything because I was too scared and nervous. I told my dad this and he said, "just tell her." Here is the thing, I can't do that.

So he asked her and she said it was chocolate and I felt like a total idiot.

Another time my mom and her girlfriend were taking my siblings to her girlfriend's parents house, and we brought our dog. Now we were driving down the road and my dog is sitting on Sam's (my moms girlfriend) lap, and sticking his head and his paws out the window. And I was having a full on anxiety attack and I was freaking out because I was so worried that the dog would jump out of the car or slip or something that they had to pull the van over so I could get out and breathe and calm down from "over exaggerating".

I really want to tell my parents how I feel about my anxiety and depression but I feel like they'll think I'm just trying to get attention or that I'm over exaggerating but I seriously think that I have these things and they don't see it.

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