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So, I made a tag.

It's called the get to know me tag, and here are the thingys.

It's called the get to know me tag, and here are the thingys

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So I'm gonna do it.

1) Name ?

- my name's Em, technically it's Emily, but everyone calls me Em.

2) Favourite colour ?

- gREEN.

3) Favourite movie ?

- either Harry Potter, MPHFPC, or Horrible Bosses cause I love it

4) Favourite animal ?

- meerkats are my love but I rlly like dogs🤷🏽‍♀️

5) Favourite book ?

- I'm obsessed with the book The Eleventh Plague it's so good I want them to make a movie for it so badly. I also really like The Maze Runner and if they hired Dylan O'Brien to play Stephen for TEP I would CRI.

6) Favourite TV show ?

- I'm addicted to The X-Files. And Law & Order: Special Victims Unit. I'm just watching the 1st season of SVU and I'm in love with Elliot (#shamelesspromo check out my elliotxoc fanfic up now bYE)

7) Celebrity crush ?

- I just realized that I should've put crush(es) cause there are so many! But just to name a few.. (I'll include gifs for justification for who they are)
• Ewan McGregor

 (I'll include gifs for justification for who they are) • Ewan McGregor

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• Damien Haas

 • Damien Haas

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