internally screaming

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i went to movies with Max, Jake and Marley last night and it was rlly cool. But I have a funny story abt it

Ok so last night, he said he'd pick me up around 9, and I was like ok cool, so it got to 9 and he still wasn't there, and I started to panic

So my dad drove me over to his house to see if he was home, and he wasn't, so as we drove out of the subdivision, Max's dad drove into the subdivision. So we turned around and drove back but when we were driving back, he passed us again, going to MY house.

So we drive back to my house and his dad picked me up and took me to the movies and was talking to me and stuff and he's actually really nice like ?????

So he drops me off and at this point the previews had started and he had texted max to come get me, so he did, and he was like, "I feel like such a dick" and I was like, "no it's cool" but on the inside I was like, "I can never be mad at you cause I'm in love with you"

So we get into the theatre, and we're sitting near the front with Jake and Marley, and I was sitting next to him, and I was really nervous, like my legs wouldn't stop shaking through the whole thing.

But it was lowkey cute cause he told Jake apparently he was really nervous and that was why he brought him and Marley told me this and I was dying a little.

And I had my arm on the armrest and every so often we would touch arms and he'd leave it there and I was like internally screaming through tout the whole movie.

But the movie was really good Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 was GR8 10/10 would recommend

I really wanna tell Max how I feel but Marley had basically told him the jist of it last night so that's cool, and he was thinking about it and Jake told Marley he'd talk about it with Max after the movie.

And earlier in the day, my friend Claire told me that if he smells good that means he thinks it's like a date, and he smelled so good like ??????

I lived my dream of being like Violet and Tony from The Incredibles from when I was seven and it was really cute I was so happy.

Yeah but I've been smiling so much now I'm living a good life bye

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