the memening

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Guys I wanna write a stand by me fanfic but I don't wanna make it cringe or accidentally copy off someone else by accident without my knowledge, so I'm gonna run the plot by you great humans. (And chrisxchambers hey queen)


Basically, the oc girl is in the boys' grade and she knows them but doesn't talk to them, because she's part of ace's gang, sort of. She's dating ace (HOW OLD IS HE IDK ??) and he's kind of abusive but she can't tell anyone cause they won't believe her. So she keeps coming to school with bruises (her father died of polio in 1953 and her mother died of the same disease the next year, mind you) and no one really takes notice and she is bullied at school for being not as wealthy as some people in town and for being a cobra that couldn't fight. For her 14th birthday, ace gives her someone's purse, telling her he stole it for her. she gets mad at him for stealing it and he slaps her, knocking her to the ground and leaving a hand-shaped bruise on her face. She runs out crying and runs into teddy, who's going to meet up with the guys. He asks her if she's alright and she denies that ace hit her when he asks. He drags her away and makes her come with him to their treehouse, which isn't far. Over the course of the month, she strays away from the cobras and begins spending most of her time with the boys, even to go from moving out of ace's house and moving in with vern and his family. AND MORE TO GO OFF OF THAT THAT I HAVENT THOUGHT OF YET.

So what do you guys think? Let me know in the comments!

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