what am i

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I'm such a mess rn it's not even a joke

I failed my maths exam for this semester and I'm just below passing the course kms

And I'm seriously behind on my writing like I want to finish one of my old fanfics instead of just beating the dead horse, but I also wanna start the third book in my Neville series, but I also wanna write an original story, and on top of all that I wanna write even more stories cause I have ideas and just, ugh.

SO can you guys be my bestest friends ever and vote on what I should do???

Should I:

1) finish an old story to be done with it

2) start the third installment of the Neville series

3) write my original story or

4) write a completely new fanfic (celeb, Fandom, etc.)


sad as fuck → rantsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora