Chapter 10

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Willow's POV:
When I told my dad what happened he wasn't too happy about it. He wasn't mad he was just really disappointed that I would let something like this happen so until my suspension is over I'm grounded. It's not that bad. It's only a week.
Today is Friday. Day two of my suspension. I'm used to waking up early so I just listen as everyone else moves throughout the house. When I finally decide to get up and eat breakfast with them my phone rings.
"Hey, how's the school's new bad girl?"
"Jason I'm not the school's new bad girl."
"How would you know? You haven't been at school."
"Because I'm suspended."
"Yeah, and that's why everyone loves that you beat up Hannah."
"Jason you can't be serious."
"I'm as serious as I'll ever be."
"But I'm not bad."
"Exactly and that's what makes you bad. You did something no one would expect."
I laugh. "Ok Jason. You win."
"You wanna know something?"
"I hate not seeing you at school."
"Really? I thought you wouldn't even notice I was gone." I say sarcastically.
"Yes. Really. I miss seeing you."
"Then come see me."
"Right now?"
"After everyone leaves."
"But your mom will be there."
"No she won't. She's going shopping today." "And you're not going?"
"I can't. They grounded me until after my suspension."
"Doesn't that mean you're not supposed to have company? I think you're inner bad girl is showing."
"Or maybe you're just rubbing off on me."
"Oh really? First a fight at school, now breaking your parent rules. You're really living up to be a true bad girl."
"Very funny. So are you or are you not going to skip school to spend the day with me?"
"You don't have to ask me twice."
"I take that as a yes then. My mom should be gone in about an hour. I guess I'll see you then?"
"See you then."
I hang up and go downstairs to see my dad and Nathan walking out the door and my mom cleaning the table. "Hungry?" She asks when she sees me. "I'm ok. I'll eat something later." I say helping her. "Are you sure? I could easily make something simple that I can't possibly burn." I laugh. "Mom it's fine. I'm not hungry." "Ok. Today while I'm gone I need you to do me a favor." "Like what?" "Your Aunt Prim is supposed to call at some point today. I need you to write down all of the information she gives you." "What is it about?" "It's about her wedding. I'm her maid of honor and you're her bridesmaid, remember." "I haven't forgot." "Well don't miss her phone call. It's mostly about getting our dresses." "Ok mom. I won't miss it." "I'll see you later." She says kissing my forehead. "Bye."
Twenty minutes after my mom has gone the doorbell rings. When I open the door I'm expecting it to be Jason but instead it's Lily. "Lily!" I say hugging her. "What are you doing here? You weren't supposed to be back for another week." "I know." She says as I shut the door. "We came back early because my mom got called about something very important at work." "I'm so glad you're back." I say wrapping her into another hug. "I just want to tell you I'm sorry because before you left I-" "It's okay. I'm sorry too." "You were right about everything." "I wasn't completely right. I said somethings that I really didn't mean." "Forget about it, I forgive you. I could never stay mad at you." "I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was leaving." "It's ok. You're here now and that's all that matters." "Here." She says handing me a bag I didn't even know she had. "I got you something." I open the bag and pull out a lovely new blue sweater. "Lily, it's beautiful! Thank you." "I thought you'd like it." "How'd you know I would be at home today?" "Well James told me all about what happened at school." "Yeah but it isn't what you think." "What I think is that I'm glad someone finally stood up to Hannah." I smile just as the doorbell rings. I open the door and this time it's Jason. "Hey." He says kissing me. "Hi." "So when did you guys decide to get together?" Lily says. "We talked." I say with a small laugh. "Well then I'll let you guys have your alone time." She says walking towards the door. "Wait, you don't have to go. You can stay." "Oh well James actually skipped school today to meet up with me so I promised I would go see him." "Tell him to come over here." "But aren't you grounded?" "Yeah but I'm pretty sure my mom won't mind since you just got back in town and wanted to see me." "Ok, I'll text him."
Once James comes over we all talk and joke around. "Do you remember that time in the third grade when that Robert kid smashed a cupcake in your face?" James asks me before starting to laugh. "Yes! He was always so mean to me." "Some people thought he had a crush on you." Lily says. "Eww! I hated him!" "Well he loved you!" "Ugh....Lily stop it." "Ok. Ok." "I miss when we used to do this all the time." James says. "Me too." I say ruffling his hair. "You guys have been best friends for a long time." Jason says. "We have. Basically ever since we were all born." "We are so close that James loved having sleepovers with us." Lily says laughing. "Hey! We always had fun didn't we?" James says. "Yes. We did." The doorbell rings so I get up to answer it. "Oh hey mom. Home already?" "Willow, I've been gone for four hours." "Right." "Can you help me with these?" She says handing me a couple bags. "Sure." "Oh hi Jason, Lily, James. I didn't know you guys were coming over." "Before you get mad at me, Lily just got back in town and wanted to see me." "It's fine. I'm not mad." "You're not?" "No. Just help me get the rest of the bags." "Ok." I say following her back outside.
"You guys are welcome to stay for dinner tonight." My mom says as we all sit around eating ice cream. "Thanks." They all say. "You know mom," I say finishing my ice cream. "it would be nice if we could have a sleepover here tomorrow night." "You're still grounded Willow." "I know but mom please. Just this once." "Ok. But I'm not sure how happy your dad's going to be." "Thanks mom. I'll talk to dad about it." She gives me a small smile before going upstairs. "When did we agree on sleeping over?" James says. "Do you have a problem with sleeping over?" "No." "Then everything's fine. You were the one who said you missed how we used to hangout so we're going to hangout. Now is everyone in?" They all nod their heads. "Good. Tomorrow night here at my house." "Hey, Willow?" My mom says walking back into the room. "Yeah?" "Did your Aunt Prim ever call?" My mind goes blank. I totally forgot she was supposed to call. Did I miss her phone call? I promised my mom I wouldn't. But no one called while she was least I don't think so. "No. She didn't call." "Are you sure? Are sure you didn't get distracted and miss it?" "Mom I promise. No one has called all day." "I'm sorry. I know my sister and it isn't like her to not do something that she said she was going to do." "Maybe something came up and made her forget. Why don't we just call her?" "I think I will do that right now." She says picking up the phone. I listen as she talks.
"Hey Rory. Is Prim around?........Have you tried to call her?......Please call me when she gets back......Ok. Thanks."
"What's going on?" I ask as soon as she hangs up the phone. "Rory told me that she left early this morning and hasn't come back home yet." "I'm sure she's going to be okay." "I hope so." I hope so too. I love my Aunt Prim. She's one of the very few people who actually understand me.
When my dad gets home I tell him about having the sleepover and he doesn't seem to have a problem with it but just to make sure he won't change his mind I help him make dinner. As my friends and I eat I keep sneaking glances at my mom who isn't eating. I know she's worried about Aunt Prim but worrying isn't going to help. I decide not to say anything to her right now. I'm worried about her too and I'd hate for something bad to have happened to her.
After saying goodbye to everyone and receiving a quick kiss from Jason I wrap my mom into hug. "It's going to be ok." I say. "I know." She says smiling. "Don't worry so much." "Of course you would know how to make me feel better." She says placing a kiss on my forehead. "I love you mom." "I love you too." "I wanna talk to you." I say after letting her go. "Okay. Let's talk." "It's about Jason." I say trying to keep her mind off Aunt Prim. "Ok." "I really like him. He's a nice guy." I say as we sit down on the couch. "Have you told him that?" "No but he already knows." "Good. Has he said anything about it?" "Yeah. We've decided to start dating." "That's great. I'm sure you guys will be fine." I continue to make small talk with her for awhile until I'm convinced she's okay.
The next morning I'm woken up by my mom yelling at my dad. "That doesn't make any sense Peeta! I just don't understand what's going on!" I'm guessing my dad says something but it's inaudible because he hardly ever yells. "Just....I don't know!" That's the last thing I hear her say before it's followed by a door slamming shut. I slowly open my bedroom door and stare out at my dad. "Dad...." I say making him turn his attention towards me. "Hey....did we wake you?" "Yeah but it's fine." "I'm sorry." He says running his hand through his hair. "What's wrong?" I say walking out into the hall. "Well they called about your Aunt Prim this morning and they think she's missing. She never came home yesterday." "How does Rory feel about it?" "That's the thing. No one knows where he is. They think he might be missing too." "How? Where do you think they are?" "I don't know Willow but your mom is really upset about it." "Let me see if I can talk to her." I say walking towards their bedroom door. "No," My dad says stopping me. "I've already tried. Just let her cool down for awhile. I think she just needs some time to herself." "Ok......" "Come on. Let's go downstairs and I'll make breakfast." I follow him just as Nathan comes up behind me. "I heard the word breakfast." He says rushing past me. I roll my eyes at him as I walk into the kitchen.

Peeta's POV:
After fixing Willow and Nathan breakfast I go back upstairs and knock on my bedroom door. I don't get an answer so I turn the doorknob and find that it's unlock. I see Katniss sitting on the floor next to our bed with her hands covering her face. I sit down next to her and wrap my arms around her, as I do she removes her hands from her face. She hasn't been crying so that's a good thing. As she places her head on my shoulder I pull her closer to me. "You ok?" I ask kissing her forehead. "I'm sorry, Peeta." She says taking my hand. "I was just mad." "I understand. She's your sister and you love her." "I know but I need to keep my mind off of her or else I'm going to be like this all the time." "Then how about we get out of the house today." "And do what?" "Let's take a walk." I say standing up and helping her up. "And where will this walk take us?" She ask with a small smile. "Well I know of a place where you can see the beautiful orange sunset," "Your favorite color." "the greenest grass you'll ever see," "My favorite color." "and dandelions everywhere you go." "Peeta we haven't been there in years." She says running her fingers through her hair. "I guess that just means that this walk is past over due." I say grabbing her hand as we leave our room.
So what is this beautiful place Peeta is speaking of?
Song-Senses by Prismo

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