Chapter 20

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Nathan's POV
"Two visits to the police station in one night." My dad says as we all walk inside the house. "This has to be a new record." "Two?" I ask Willow as we sit down on the couch. "It's a long story." "What is going on with you guys?" "Ugh...I'm not sitting through another speech!" Willow says standing up. "Yes you are!" My dad says stopping her. "All of us are going to sit here and figure everything out!" Without another word Willow slowly sits back down. "I say we start with you Willow." My mom says. "I already told you everything. I'm not saying it again!" "But why did you break into that place?" "Woah! You broke into a place after hours?" I ask hitting Willow's arm with my elbow. "Not now Nathan!" My mom says snapping at me. "I was with Jason! It's not a big deal." "I'm tired of that attitude Willow, it is a big deal!" "Whatever..." She says crossing her arms and rolling her eyes. "Now on to you Nathan." My dad says. "Dad it wasn't what you think it was." "Partying and drinking really doesn't need much more of an explanation." "So you were drinking?" Willow whispers. "That's not what happened." "Well please explain." My dad says interrupting our side conversation. "Well I went to a friend's party. Yes there was drinking but I wasn't." "I'm not sure I believe you. The police made it pretty clear that you were." "But I wasn't! I'm telling the truth!" "I'm not sure that we're going to be able to believe either of you after what had happened tonight." My mom says. "So what's his punishment?" Willow asks. "They already took my phone." I say crossing my arms. "Lucky for you they took mine along with my car keys." "Well honestly you both deserve it." My dad says. "For the next couple of weeks neither of you will be going anywhere. So I suggest you get used to being here at home." "But prom is coming up and me and Rose were supposed to go shopping together!" "Well I guess you can forget about prom." My mom says turning towards the stairs and walking away. "Mom it's my senior year!" Willow says running after her. "Dad I promise you that I didn't drink at that party." "How am I supposed to believe you?" "Because I'm your son and I know better than to do something like that." "What about the police? They have more details than you're telling me right now." "Dad the police came at a bad time." "I'm not sure I believe you." "Of course you don't! Yet when it comes to Willow you'll believe anything she says!" "Nathan-" He's cut off by a big crash from upstairs. "I HATE YOU!" We hear Willow say once we're upstairs. "What's going on?" My dad asks my mom who is standing outside Willow's door. "Willow is just upset right now." "What was the crash we heard?" "She's mad and decided to throw a few things." "You know what, how about we all just go to bed. Leave her in her room and let her be. We'll settle everything tomorrow." "But dad you never let me-" "Tomorrow Nathan." He says before him and my mom walk into their room. Now it's my turn to be mad. When I get into my room I'm unable to stop myself from punching the wall. I'm sure my room doesn't look too bad with an unnecessary hole.

Willow's POV:
I can't believe what is happening right now! All of this is completely ridiculous! I just can't stay in this room right can't be in this house at all right now. I have to get out of here. Maybe if I text.....well I don't have my phone so I can't text but that doesn't mean I can't call. I'll just use the house phone. I quietly sneak downstairs and use the phone to dial Jason's number.
"Hey Jason it's Willow."
"Willow! I've been texting you-"
"Yeah well my mom took my phone and the keys to my car so..."
"I'm sorry...this is basically all my fault."
"Jason not this again...."
"I know. I know. I'm sorry."
"I need to get out of this house."
"What's up?"
"They're driving me crazy!"
"How about-"
"She told me that I couldn't go to prom! Is she trying to ruin my senior year!?"
"Maybe if-"
"I don't know why she-"
"Willow! Can you please listen to me?"
"Sorry...she just made me so mad!"
"I can tell."
"Do you think you can come pick me up? Then we can just hangout for awhile and I'll explain everything."
"Are you sure? I don't want you to get into anymore trouble."
"At this point I honestly don't care. The situation is already pretty bad."
"Ok. I'll see you soon."
"Thanks Jason."
In less than twenty minutes Jason pulls into the driveway and I try my best to be as quiet as I can as I walk outside. "So tell me" he says when I get in the car. "what happened?" "You won't believe what has happened in just a couple of hours." I sigh. I tell him about everything that has happened from the time we dropped him off to when I called him. "So is she really not letting you go to prom?" He asks once I'm finished. I decided to tell him about The Meadow so now we're both laying down next to each other in the grass. "She's very determined." "Well don't worry. If she really doesn't let you go I promise I'll come up with something that we can do together." "Really?" "Yes. I love you Willow and I'll do anything to make you happy." "Jason....I don't want you to miss prom because of me. You should go even if I can't." "What's the point of going to prom if I can't go with you?" "Jason..." "If I go then I won't be happy. I'd rather be happy with you than at some stupid prom without you." At this point I can't resist kissing him. I run my fingers through his hair as he pulls me on top of him. He moves his lips to my neck and I smile. "Jason....I love you." "I love you too." He says facing me again. I connect my lips with his one last time before standing up and taking his hand. We walk back to his car and he takes me to his house. I slid in next to him in his bed and lay my head on his chest before closing my eyes. The next morning I wake up to Jason pulling a shirt over his head. He smiles before placing a kiss on my forehead. "What time is it?" I ask yawning. "Nine thirty-two." "Crap!" I say jumping up. "I have to get home." "Willow calm down. I'll take you home now." "By the time we get there my mom and my dad will be awake." "Then I guess the sooner we leave the better." "Wait...maybe I can call Nathan." "Didn't your parents take his phone too?" "Damnit. I totally forgot! I was hoping I could ask him to buy me some time." "Willow let's just go. The sooner you're home the less they'll be mad at you." "Maybe you're right but at this point I honestly could care less if they're mad anymore."
When Jason drops me off I go through the front door and sure enough my mom and dad are there waiting for me. "Where have you been?" My mom asks. I ignore her and walk upstairs. "Willow." I hear her say following me. "Willow I'm talking to you!" I continue to ignore her as I walk into my room and close the door. Apparently she gives up on trying to talk to me because I hear her and my dad talking before I hear their footsteps on the stairs. I slid into my bed and close my eyes. I end up laying there the entire day without being bothered. The next morning I wish I could do the same thing but I realize I have to go to school and there's no way my mom is going to let me skip a day.
Song-Soap by Melanie Martinez

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