Chapter 19

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Willow's POV:
Tonight Jason wanted him, me, and James to all hangout together. We have no idea what we are doing but Jason planned everything so I'm sure it's going to be something fun. After getting dressed I let my mom and dad know that I'm leaving before grabbing the keys to my very first car. A couple of weeks ago my dad finally decided that it would be ok for me to drive whenever I wanted so he went out and surprised me with my new car, which I'm totally in love with. As I arrive at the address Jason texted me, I see James standing on the sidewalk next to his new girlfriend Rose. "Hey," I say stepping out of the car. "I didn't know you were coming Rose." "Hey Willow." James says. "I asked Jason would it be ok if she could tag along and he said it would be great." "Well it's nice of you to join us." "It's nice to see you too Willow." She says with a small laugh. Rose is a very nice and caring person and I'm so glad that James could move on but she's no Lily. But Rose is a great friend. "So what do you think Jason has planned?" I ask James. "You're about to find out." I here someone say. Of course it's Jason. "Hey." I say giving him a hug. "Are you guys ready?" He asks. "Yes!" We all say at the same time. "Ok! Follow me." We follow him to the other side of the building where we find ourselves looking at a race track. "We are going to be riding go-karts." Jason says pointing to the vehicles on the track. "Awesome!" James says running over to them with Rose right behind him. "How did you get this place all to yourself?" I ask Jason. "My dad is a business man you know." He says with a wink. "Come you guys!" James yells. "Ok!" I yell before running over to one of the karts. "First one to complete six laps wins." Jason says. "Ready....Set....GO!" And with that each of us take off on the course.
"I guess that means I win." James says hopping off the kart. "No way!" Jason says playfully shoving him. "I won fair and square!" "I think it was a tie." Rose says laughing. "I agree." I say wrapping my arms around Jason. "It was totally a tie." "Fine...." He says rubbing my back. "It was a tie." "Great...." James says. "Now let's go get food!" We all nod our heads and follow him back to our cars. We decide to stop at a nice little restaurant that has all kinds of food. "So how's soccer going for you?" James asks Jason as we're finishing up our food. "Pretty good." "Are you going to continue doing it when you go off to college?" "Maybe but I still have a month or so to think about it." "Do guys ever talk about anything other than sports?" I say. "Sports are very important." James says. "I never said they weren't I just wonder why you don't talk about anything besides that." "Like what?" "How about Prom?" "Yeah!" Rose says speaking up. "Are you guys going?" She asks. "Of course we are!" "Do you have your dress yet?" "Not yet but hopefully I'll go shopping for it soon. Do you have yours yet?" "Nope maybe we can go shopping together." "That would be great!" "Oh Prom season." Jason says. "The only thing girls talk about." "Is that a bad thing?" I ask. "Yeah." James says. "It isn't sports!" "Whatever." I say as we all laugh.
"Now if we're done with dinner," Jason says as we walk outside the restaurant. "How about dessert?" "What do you have in mind?" I ask. "There's a sweets shop down the road." "It's past 10." Rose says. "I think they're closed." "I know a way to get us in." "Whatever it is I don't want to get in trouble." "I promise we won't get caught." "Sorry but I think I'm going to sit this one out." She says walking away. "Me too." James says. "Really? Come on!" "I would but my parents said that I can do anything I want as long as I don't get in trouble so I'm trying to keep it that way. Plus me and Rose rode together so if she's out I'm out." He says before walking away. "I guess it just me and you." I say taking Jason's hand. He places a soft kiss on my hand as we walk in the direction of the shop. I don't know what he does but before I know it we're both inside eating all of the goodies that we want. "You know" I say leaning my head against his shoulder. "this wasn't such a bad idea after all." "I think it was a great idea." His says turning to face me. I connect my lips with his and he moves closer to me running his fingers through my hair. I laugh as he pulls me into his lap and moves down to my neck. Out of the corner of my eye I see flashing lights which makes me sit up. "You don't think..." "No way." Jason says looking outside. Before we know it the lights are shining through the window of the shop. "Maybe I was wrong." Jason says pulling me up from where we were on the floor as we rush to the back where we came in. "Hold it right there!" A police officer says stopping us. "It was fun while it lasted." I whisper to Jason as we're being hand cuffed.
"Your daughter was caught breaking and entering." I hear the police officer say to I'm guessing my mom or my dad or both. Jason and I are seated next to each other hand cuffed in the room next door. "Willow I'm really sorry." He says looking down at his feet. "It's okay Jason, I mean my parents are probably going to ground me until I'm fifty but don't worry about it." He laughs and looks up at me. "I really didn't mean for any of this to happen." "Who cares? I had fun and that's all that matters." "Why are you such an amazing person?" He ask smiling. "Because you're an amazing person." I say before leaning in to kiss him but the police officer comes and interrupts us. "Your parents are here." He says taking off my handcuffs. "Which means it's time to get used to my room." "I guess I'll see you when you're fifty." "Funny." I say laughing as I walk towards the door. "Wait..." The police officer says stopping me. "We couldn't get in touch with his parents so yours have agreed to take him with you." "Then let's go." I say as Jason walks up next to me. "Mom, Dad" I say once they come in to view. "Not now Willow." My dad says as we follow my mom who has already left the room.
"This is unbelievable!" My mom says as soon as we're all in the car. "I can't believe this!" "Mom can you yell at me later. I'm sure Jason doesn't want to hear from both his mother and mine." "Willow I don't care who is in the car right now! You are going to listen to me!" "Mom please! Just stop!" "Willow if you know what's best for you you would probably stop talking and listen." My dad says. "Willow it's okay." Jason whispers to me. "My parents hardly ever have time for me which is why I'm not surprised that they couldn't get in contact with them. So at least you have parents that care." I smile a little as he takes my hand. My mom continues to fuss at me along with my dad who adds a few words of his own every now then. By the time we reach Jason's house I'm sure he has a headache because I know I do. "Jason," my mom says "I hope this was an experience for you." "Mom..." I groan. "Yes" Jason says. "And I just want to thank you and Mr.Mellark for offering to take me home." "Goodnight Jason." "Goodnight." He says stealing quick kiss from me before exiting the car. "Mom did you really have to ramble on the entire time he was in the car?" I say as we drive away. "Willow you just don't get it! Do you know how much trouble you could've been in!?" "Mom I know but-" "No you don't know! You are not taking this seriously." "Mom-" "Willow I don't know what I'm going to do with you!" "Dad! Can you please tell her she's overreacting!" "Willow she's right." He says turning on the street to our house. "You don't realize that you broke the law and this is really serious." "You know what...I don't want to talk about this anymore!" I say getting out of the car and walking inside the house. "Willow get back here!" My mom says chasing after me. "No! I'm done!" "You are not the one that should be mad! You have nothing to be mad at about!" "Will you just leave alone!?" "No! We are going to talk about this!" "No! We're not!" I say trying to close my bedroom door but she stops it. "Willow I don't know what your problem is but we are going to figure it out right now!" "I DONT HAVE A PROBLEM!" "YES YOU DO!" "No mom! Just go away!!" "You have no right to tell me to get out of your room!" "Mom would you please just-" "Stop it!" My dad says coming into the room which kind of scares me because he never yells. "Stop it right now! Yelling at each other isn't going to solve anything!" "But dad-" "Willow don't start! You've said enough for one night. Your mom is right about everything but she may be taking it a little too far..." "Peeta you seriously can't-" "Katniss! What Willow did was wrong but you're taking it to the extreme!" "No I'm not! I'm being reasonable!" "Since when was being reasonable constantly yelling at her for what she did wrong!?" "Fine! You handle it!" She says pushing past him. "I'm done!" He runs his fingers through his hair before saying anything. "Willow what were you thinking?" "I don't know ok! I was just hanging out with my friends." "Well I think you should rethink who you hangout with. I don't think Jason is good influence on you." "Dad we're not going through this again." "Willow I don't think you should see him for awhile." "But dad-" This time I'm interrupted by his phone ringing. "We'll talk about this later." He says before leaving my room. Ugh! I grab some pajamas to put on before walking in the bathroom to take a shower. When I'm done I look at my phone to see I have a text from Jason.
Jason-I hope ur parents aren't being too hard on u
W-I think they're way past tht point
Jason-Is it really tht bad?
W-My mom is driving me crazy!
Jason-I'm sorry
W-She's just taking it too far
Jason-I hate tht this is my fault
W-Don't worry remember what I told u...I had fun and idc if I'm n trouble
Jason-I know but u never get n trouble
W-Its ok I had fun and this will all blow over b4 u know it
Jason-U promise?
W-I promise I love you💗
Jason-Love you too😘
I set my phone down on my dresser before laying down across my bed. I've had enough for one night. When I actually think that I could get some sleep and forget about everything until tomorrow my mom comes bursting through my door. "What is it now?" I say sitting up. "Phone." She says snatching it off the dresser. "Hey!" I say trying to grab it. "Plus your keys." She says grabbing them before I can. "You can't do this!" "I just did." "Ugh! Mom you're being ridiculous!" "Whatever Willow! I'm not going through this again!" "When dad finds out-" "It doesn't matter when your dad finds out! He's going to think this is a good idea." "Why would he-" "I thought we talked about this!" My dad says walking in the room. "Dad she's-" "No! We don't have time to talk about this right now!" "Peeta what are you-" "Nathan is gone." "What do you mean Nathan is gone!?" My mom says rushing out of the room. Me and my dad follow behind her. "What I mean is that he's not here." "Well where could he be?" "I don't know but we better go look for him." We all rush outside and get in the car.
Song-Black Ivory by Elephante

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