Chapter 21

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Katniss' POV:
"Willow, I hope you're almost ready for school!" I yell up the stairs. "I'll be right down!" I hear her yell back. "You're going to be late if you don't leave now!" "I'm going...." She says coming down the stairs. "Nathan already left so-" "See you later mom." "Bye Willow." I say as she walks out the door. I walk into the kitchen to fix a cup of coffee and I almost spit it out when Peeta walks in. "Peeta! Aren't you supposed to be at work!?" "No I-" "You're super late! Do you know what time it is!?" "Katniss." He says taking my hand. "I don't have to work today. I'm not late." "Oh...well I'm sorry. Willow and Nathan were driving me literally insane this morning! So where have you been all morning? I didn't see you when I woke up so I just thought you had left." "I did a little painting...." "Why didn't you tell me?" "You were asleep and I didn't want to bother you. Especially not after everything that happened over the weekend." "You could've at least told me you didn't have to work." "Well I don't have to work so I can spend the entire day with you." "Maybe not....." "Why?" "I promised Prim I would help her move her stuff here, remember? She hates staying by herself all the time now so she'll be here for a couple of weeks." "Right, I almost forgot." "It won't take long. I'll go and be back in no time." "How about you stay here and I'll go help her." "We can go together-" "I'll be fine. You can stay here and relax." "Are you sure?" "Yes." "Well here's her house key. She had to work today so she wanted me to get a head start but she'll be here tonight with the rest of her stuff." "So what am I supposed to get?" "I think she left a list there for you." "I'll see you in a bit." He says taking the key and kissing me goodbye. I finish my coffee and wash all of the dirty dishes before going into the living room. I turn on the tv and lay down across the couch. I don't realize that I've fallen asleep until the sound of the phone ringing wakes me up.
"Hello?" I say answering it.
"Yes, is this Mrs.Mellark?"
"Mrs.Mellark I'm Willow's principal Mr.Jackson. I believe we've talked once before."
"Yes. We have but last time it wasn't good news."
"Well I'm afraid it's not so good this time either. Willow was in another fight today."
"What happened this time?"
"It was with a girl named Carly. According to other students Willow disagreed with something she said and that's when she punched her."
"I'm sure she didn't-"
"Mrs.Mellark, Carly never fought back and Willow already admitted to doing it."
"And the consequences?"
"Ten days of suspension. You can come pick her up whenever you're ready."
"Yes. Thank you Mr.Jackson."
Here we go again......
"This is the second time Willow." I say once we're both back at home. "I thought this wasn't going to happen again!" "Well it did......." "Why? I just don't understand! Why did you have to go and punch her and break her nose!?" "You're not going to like what I'm going to say but....I was tired of dealing with her shit. There's no other way to put it." "And I'm tired of yours! Lately there's been something up with you and I don't know how much more I can take!" "I thought you would at least understand!" "The first time this happened yes but now I don't. You admitted to doing it!" "I wasn't going to lie and say I didn't mean to do it because I truly didn't regret it at all." "You should! You're suspended for ten days!" "To me that just means ten days away from her." "Willow-" "Ugh....can you just tell me that I'm grounded even longer and let me go up to my room so this can be over? I'm already not allowed by the school to go to prom so you don't have to worry about that anymore." "No! It's not that easy!" "Why can't you stop making such a big deal out of this!?" "Because it is a big deal! This is the second time!" We continue to yell back and forth at each other until Peeta walks in and stops us. "Stop it. Calm down!" He says setting the boxes he has in his hands down. "What's going on?" "Willow got suspended." "Again?" "Yes again. That's the problem. She thinks it's not a big deal!" "Dad it was one small fight." Willow says speaking up. "One small fight?" I say. "Since it was just a small fight you're grounded until further notice. So it could be two days, two weeks, two months, or two years for all I care!" "I'll be glad to be stuck up in my room away from you!" She says running up the stairs. I start to chase after her but Peeta stops me. "Just let her go. I think she gets the point." "But-" "Let her go." I sigh and move over to the boxes he brought in and open one up. "I think there's still one more in the car." He says walking towards the door. I decide to take the box upstairs and since Willow is here I'll get her to help me. "Willow," I say stopping by her door. "can you please help me with these boxes?" No reply. I'm not surprised. "You can be mad all you want but nothing's going to change." I say walking away to go set the box down. When I come back she still hasn't come out yet. "Willow...." I say opening the door but I find myself talking to an empty room. I sigh and go back downstairs just as Peeta comes back through the door. "Willow's gone again." I say grabbing my jacket. "I know." He says setting the last box down. "Wait..what?" "Yeah she's outside. She walked right past me and got into Jason's car." "And you didn't stop her? You were the one that told her that she shouldn't hangout with Jason for awhile." "Katniss she knows what's she's doing. She wants you to be mad. You're letting her win." "But did you have to let her leave?" "She didn't go anywhere." "You said she got in the car with Jason." "I never said they left." "So they're still outside?" "Yes." "Then I'll be right back." "Katniss....."

Willow's POV:
"You got suspended again?" Jason asks after I explain to him what happened. "For ten days this time." I say as I'm sitting in his lap with my head on his shoulder. "Well I'm suspended for five." "For what?" "Skipping class." "I bet your mom didn't bitch about it." "She used to but now that I get in trouble all the time she doesn't even bother." "My mom made a big deal about it like I'm the most horrible kid in the world." "She doesn't want you to be like me. Don't you remember what happened just yesterday and the day before?" "Don't say're not a bad person. My mom likes you." "Ha! Very funny. She used to like me." "My mom may or may not like you at the moment but I will always love you." I say placing my hand on his cheek. He gives me a quick peck on my lips and I smile before bringing his lips to mine again. I lay my head back on his shoulder and he pulls me closer to him. "I love you too." He says as he kisses my neck. I jump when I look up out of the window. "Mom!" I say moving to open up the car door and step out. "What are you doing?" "I came to get you." "Why? Didn't dad tell you he saw me." "He did and I came to get you because I'm sure that you are grounded forever." "" I say walking towards the house. "Jason, go home." I hear her say before following me.

Katniss' POV:
"Willow you're driving me crazy!" I say once we're back inside. She ignores me and continues walking upstairs. "Willow." I say following her. "Willow!" "Stop." Peeta says when I'm upstairs. I sigh and cross my arms as I walk into our bedroom. "Peeta, is there a reason why you're trying to keep me from talking to Willow?" "Because you'd just make it worse." "Peeta I'm her mother." "And I'm her father." "I don't see you trying to take control of the situation." "I am." "How? You're acting like this is a regular thing for her!" "We've already grounded her plus she can't even go to her senior prom so I'm stopping you from making it worse." "Why do you think I would make it worse? She's making it worse on herself!" "Katniss....." He says taking my hands. "I promise you that if you just leave her alone she'll come around." "I hope you're right." "Don't worry so much." I smile a little and look down at the floor. He nudges my chin up a little so I'm facing him before pressing his lips against mine. I run my hands through his hair as we lay down across our bed. "I have to get the rest of Prim's things." I say in between kisses. "We can get it later." He says moving down to my neck. I laugh a little and bite my lip as he moves his hand under my shirt.
Song-KOD by J. Cole

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