Elena's POV
Oh my gosh, I'm going to get murdered. Right Here, right now. Please don't hurt me. Please don't hurt me! You're going to eat me alive, aren't you? I didn't get to say goodbye to my parents or my friends. I'm too young to die!
I finally open my eyes to see who scared the soul out of me. It's Vickie. Gosh, this is worse than being murdered. My eyes open wide. I don't like it when Vickie and I are alone together. She creeps me out. Oh God, my last moment on this earth is going to be with you? WHY?
"Did Lex and Jess say something about me? I have a feeling they don't like me." She made me think "I was dying today for this?" Does she really think anyone genuinely likes her? "No," I say as innocently as I can.
She nods and put her head down. This is my chance to escape. Now, I have to leave now! I turn away from her and quickly walk away to head back to my best friends.
"Let's see who can be your date for the dance." I can hear the excitement in Lex's voice. "Fine," I respond, with no enthusiasm in my voice whatsoever. "What about Danny Smith?" Jess suggests. "Ew! What in the world are you thinking? He only talks about dragons and miniature golf. Do you think I want to listen to that the whole night?" Is she for real?
"Jeez! What about Felix Martinez?" She rolls her eyes, moving down her mental list. "The foreign exchange student," I begin, "really?" Does she not know any attractive people? Or people that at least speak English? "Ugh! What about Ryan Belmont?" Frustrated, she lists another name.
"The point guard for the basketball team? Sure! Except, if you look right about there," I spin both of them around, "that's his girlfriend." Lex shudders. "Right. Ashlee Corner is a mean girl. You don't wanna mess with her."
"Yup. This is hopeless; I'm never going to find a date to the dance!" I practically scream at her. "No it isn't. What about Nate Thompson?" Lex says hopefully. Did she seriously just suggest Nate? The guy who broke my heart in the fifth grade? Because of Vickie, might I add! Wow, I need to chill.
I shake my head at the suggestion, fake a smile, and walk away. Lex grabs my arm. "Elena! Wait! Did I say something wrong?" Jesus Christ, this girl.
"You know what happened it the fifth grade." I scoff. "Oh that's right. She's such a," Lex pauses, trying to find the word. "She's such a, a female dog!"
"Yeah, sure. Bye, Lex." I laugh and walk away from her again. As we turn the corner, I spot Nate and Vickie getting all up in each other's business. Ugh, I always knew she wanted him for herself. I roll my eyes and walk past them. I assume that Nate hears me walking loudly and senses that I am there. Stupid shoes. I knew I should've worn my Vans.
"Elena! Wait!" He calls after me. Great. Now what?
I turn to face him and he pushes Vickie off of him. Ha, good for her! "What do you want, Nate?" I ask, annoyed. "Want? No. I was just going to tell you that it was nice seeing you at the Tables this morning. I miss you. You should come every morning. We can catch up on life."
I hear Vickie scoff behind him. My jaw drops open as he said those words to me. He misses me? Who does he think he is? He broke my heart. He's the one who decided I wasn't good enough for him.
"As a matter of fact, I am going to the Tables every morning from now on, but not for you." I turn around and walk away hurriedly before he can blurt out that he loves me or something as crazy as that. I shudder at the thought. I need to go home.
"Hey mom!" I say as I walk in the door. "Hi sweetie," she answers, "I have a couple of friends over right now, come say hi." I go to the dining room where I see my mom and several of her friends from work gathered around the dining table. "Hi everybody," I greet them.
"Honey, Lisa here had to bring her son today. He's in the living room. Why don't you go keep him company? You might know him; he goes to your school."
A/N: Hi guys! This chapter was so much fun to write! You're going to have to wait and see who's in that living room. Let's just say, Tyler is going to be in a whole lot of the next chapter. :) Please vote, comment, and share!
What is your guys' all time favorite movie? Mine is If I Stay. I could watch that forever. Their love story is so cute! And the book! I can't even get started on the book. Personally, I like Where She Went better, because I like reading in boys' point of views. I like to imagine what goes on in their mind. Let me know in the comments!
Thank you for the reads! They're much appreciated! <3

The Bad Boy was Staring at Me
Teen Fiction17 year old, Elena Hawkins thought she was going to be done with boys forever. What Nate Thompson did to her in the fifth grade was unacceptable. She didn't want to deal with heartbreak ever again. Without Nate in the picture anymore, her normal te...