Elena's POV
You have to come home, now!
I keep rereading Jess' text over and over again. What if something happened? Did something happen? To Tyler? Oh my gosh. Please let him be okay. I wouldn't be okay if I know he wasn't. He has to be okay right?
I'm on the next flight home. I decide not to text Jess back because I don't want to have a serious conversation over the phone, let alone while we're in different states.
My heart is beating crazily, thinking of what could have happened while I was away. I let my parents stay in California and extend the family vacation we were supposed to have. Once I got the text, I begged my parents to send me back. There was no way in hell I would have stayed my trip worrying. I have to go back.
It's better if I know, right?
I open the door to my house that previously went untouched for three weeks. A little creak comes from the hinges, which frightens me a little, filling up the unwanted silence flooding my house. When did it start to creak? I roll my mint green luggage inside the house and take a seat on the couch. My hands involuntarily run over my face, and soon I bring my knees up to my face, burying it.
What's happening? I have a feeling it's bad. Really bad.
I text Jess that she should come over since I'm home, and we can talk about why I had to cut my trip so early. She should be here any minute. I quickly change into some sweats so I can be comfortable and get the smell of airplane off of me. My hair is tied up into a messy bun. I don't feel like dressing up; I have a feeling it would be unnecessary.
The doorbell rings from downstairs. A part of me wants to answer it urgently, but the other part of me is very hesitant to. It's now or never, right? I have to face reality sooner or later. I walk down the stairs slowly, preparing myself for the worse. I open the door to see a worried Jess on the other side. She lets herself in and brings me into a hug almost instantly.
Oh no. This is bad, isn't it?
"Jess, what is it?" I ask slowly.
"Elena, I don't think you should date Tyler anymore," she tells me bluntly.
"What? Why?" I ask impatiently.
"I don't want to tell you."
"Jess," I whisper, "I can handle it."
"Elena, this is going to hurt," she warns me.
It's going to hurt. I've prepared myself as much as I can. What else is there I can do? I'm going to get hurt. It's inevitable.
I bring her into my room so we can be in a more quiet place, even though nobody else is home. Taking the seat on my purple silk bedsheet, I take in a deep breath before listening to what Jess has to tell me. I'm trying my best to stall time because there's this feeling in my gut telling me that this will impact me forever. I will never be the same.
"Okay, I'm ready." I tell Jess, my heart beating rapidly.
"Uhm," she starts. She grabs my hand that is involuntarily shaking from my nervousness. "Tyler... he got drunk at my party when you were in California. He said that Vickie's pregnant."
Wait, what?
"With his baby," she finishes.
Those simple words make my heart drop. Tears brim my eyes. I'm speechless. I can feel the lump in the back of my throat, making me want to scream or shout. Tears start spilling out of my eyes.
How could he do this to me? I trusted him with my whole heart. I gave him my all. He said that he was mine, only mine. How could he? He told me I was enough. Was I not? What did she give him that I couldn't? I could've been everything he wanted and more. He was my world. He is my world. Why? Why would he do this to me? I'm falling in love with him.
I am in love with him.
"Uhm." I manage to choke out. Tears still stream down my face. "I think I want to be alone right now, if that's okay," I tell Jess.
She pulls me into her arms and I bury myself into her shirt, staining it. I can feel myself shaking in her embrace. I hate him. He said he would never hurt me, and he did it anyway. He lied. He's a cheating liar! He doesn't care about me, he never did care. It was all a lie. Our love story is a lie.
Jess is whispering soothing things in my ear, trying to calm me down. The lump in my throat feels like it is getting bigger by the second. "Elena," Jess whispered.
"Can I just be alone, please?" I hiccup between each word. She looks hesitant to leave me alone in a time like this. "Please?" I beg her one more time.
"Okay," she gives in.
"I'm so sorry." She whispers before hugging me tight one last time. She walks out the door, and I walk to my bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. My eyes are red and puffy, tear streaks running down my face. I'm a mess. Looking in the mirror, I wonder what Tyler even saw in me in the first place. What I'm seeing is different than what he has ever called me.
I'm not beautiful nor gorgeous. I'm not good enough for him. I'll never be good enough for him.
I close the door to my bathroom and put my back against the door, sitting down. I try to muffle my cries, but it's useless trying. I pull my knees close to me, thinking about everything Tyler and I ever did together. That's not the only thing that crosses my mind. I try to replay everything, trying to find where I went wrong, what I did wrong for him to do this.
What did I do wrong? I thought everything was going so well.
I need to see him; we need to talk about this. I decide to write out what I want to say to him because I know when I see him, I'm going to break down. Opening the door to get back to my room, I sit down at the white desk right next to my bed. I rip out a piece of paper and grab the nearest pen close to me.
How could you? Why? You told me I was enough for you, yet apparently I wasn't. What did she give you that I couldn't? Love? Affection? I could've been all of that for you. I was falling in love with you. You were different. But no, you proved me wrong. I knew I should've listened to everyone and just have stayed away from you. I don't understand what I did wrong. I just don't understand.
I change into a plain gray hoodie and shorts. It's not like I have anyone to look good for anymore. The back of my hand wipes the tears running down my face. I grab the letter and shove it into the back pockets of my pants. Exiting my house, my eyes are still brimming with tears. He's not the same person to me anymore. I turn around and lock the door to my house.
Hooking my phone up to the aux, I turn on my sad playlist. I Won't Give Up by Jason Mraz comes on shuffle. My heart physically hurts. I can't focus on anything. I have to talk to Tyler. He needs to tell me the whole story. There has to be more to the story. This can't be it, right?
My vision starts getting blurry from the tears. I hear a horn honking in the back of me. I turn around to see what they are honking at. They're honking at me. That's when everything goes black.
A/N: I know, it's been forever since I last updated so here it is :). It's not that I haven't written it or I had writer's block, it's because school has started :(. So here you guy's go! The next chapter.

The Bad Boy was Staring at Me
Teen Fiction17 year old, Elena Hawkins thought she was going to be done with boys forever. What Nate Thompson did to her in the fifth grade was unacceptable. She didn't want to deal with heartbreak ever again. Without Nate in the picture anymore, her normal te...