Elena's POV
I have to get my hair, makeup, and nails done! This is so frustrating! Why am I freaking out over this prom? I've done this many times before. Maybe it's because I'm going with Tyler. He's coming over later! I have to get ready!
"Mom! Let's go!" I urge my mom.
My hair appointment starts at 3:00. Right now, it's 2:30. "Mom! Come on!" I yell one more time. She comes out of the bathroom and looks at me.
"Okay, let's go, little Miss Impatient," she laughs.
I roll my eyes at her. She should know very well I'm impatient. After all, I did come out of her two months early. You think I'm going to be patient starting now? Hell no. I've been impatient since birth; deal with it.
We arrive at the salon where my cousin works. I only trust her with my hair. There is no way I was going to get my hair messed up on the day of prom. I will freak. Tyler will freak! It would be a freaking' mess.
"Alright, let's get this over with," I say to my mom.
"Ow!" I yell as my cousin pushed a bobby pin into my head. The hairstyle I chose was a half up do, with the rest of my hair curled at the bottom. To save time, I'm getting my nails done at the same time. This is supposed to be relaxing, but I have never felt more stressed in my life.
I make sure not to hit my nails against anything while they're still drying. I wouldn't want to mess it all up, would I?
"Mom, can you help me zip this up?" I call her, slipping into my dress.
I look at myself in the mirror. The dress looks as beautiful as it did when I bought it. Tyler is going to be here any minute now.
Hair? Check. Makeup? Check. Nails? Check. Clutch? Check. Okay! That's everything I need for tonight.
"Elena! Tyler's here!" my dad calls from downstairs.
I give my mom a big smile. This is so exciting! I can't even process anything right now. I slip into my 3 inch heels. They match the back of my dress perfectly. I look the right amount of sexy and pretty at the same time.
"My beautiful daughter," my mom hugs me. "Go say hi to Tyler!" she points out my bedroom door.
"Okay," I whispered back to her.
Heading down the stairs, I can hear my dad and Tyler talking about football. He hears the clicking of my heels on the hardwood stairs and his eyes shoot over to me. His brown eyes open wide and he smiles at me. He walks over to where I'm standing and stops right in front of me.
"God, you are breathtakingly beautiful," he says, making me blush.
I take a good look at him. He is wearing a black jacket with a blue tie that matches my dress perfectly. "You don't look too bad yourself," I compliment him.
He grabs my right hand and spins me around. His lips form a smile. God, I want to kiss him so bad. I can't though. Dad would totally kill me. He grabs my waist, pulling me close to him.
"Tyler!" I whisper-yelled, warning him that my father was right there.
"Beautiful," he whispers back to me.
"Okay you two! Come here so I can get some pictures," my mom says, ruining the moment.
"You got us a limo?" I playfully hit Tyler.
"Only the best, for the best," he answers.
Good answer.
We arrive to the Pacific Beach Hotel, where the prom is taking place at 7:00. "After you, my lady." Tyler helps me out of the limo. I can't help the laugh that comes out of my mouth.
"Want some punch?" he asks once we got on the dance floor.
"Sure!" I yell to him over the loud music.
He comes back with two cups in his hand. I take one from him. "Woah! Someone spiked the punch." I say after taking a sip. My throat hurts from the stinging sensation.
I take Tyler's drink from his hand before he could take a sip. "Not tonight, big boy." I laugh at him.
Bedrock comes on and Tyler grabs my hand as he guides us to the dance floor. "Our song!" he yells.
"You bet." I agree, smiling at him.
After a couple upbeat songs, a slow one comes on. Tyler put his hands on my hips, and I put mine around his neck. We sway to the music for a while.
"Cutie?" he asks as I rest my head on his chest, still swaying to the music.
"Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?"
"Yes." I say, pecking him on the lips.
"How about how much you mean to me?" he asks.
"Yes." I put my head back on his chest, hearing his heartbeat. It's slow and steady.
I look at him this time. "Will you be my girlfriend?" he asks.
My jaw drops before a smile takes it's place. What? Is this really happening? Someone wake me up. I have to be dreaming.
"Yes." I breathe out.
A/N: FINALLY! You can all let out the breath you were holding. This is not a drill. They are officially dating! Yay! This chapter was only supposed to be about prom, but then I thought, oh what the hell. Give the readers what they want! Hope you guys love it! <3 tell me what you think in the comments! :)

The Bad Boy was Staring at Me
Teen Fiction17 year old, Elena Hawkins thought she was going to be done with boys forever. What Nate Thompson did to her in the fifth grade was unacceptable. She didn't want to deal with heartbreak ever again. Without Nate in the picture anymore, her normal te...