Elena's POV
"Hewwo?" a little girl answers.
My eyes widen. Who is that? I hang up the phone quickly before she says anything else. Does he have a little sister? How come she answered the phone and not Tyler?
I decide to text Tyler instead of calling him again. Although he might not want to talk to me, we have to talk about what happened today. I mean, how can we not?
Elena: Tyler, can we please talk?
Now, I just have to wait for a response.
Tyler's POV
Elise is still holding onto my phone. She's playing Angry Birds, sitting on my lap. Bzzz. Bzzz. My phone vibrates. I see the contact name, "Cutie" on the screen. Elise looks up at me and offers me my phone. "Ty Ty?" I press ignore on the screen and my sister just looks. at me. She continues with her game of Angry Birds.
I don't feel like talking to Elena right now. I just want to spend quality time with Elise. She helps me forget about all the things in life as of this moment. My mom is disappointed in me and my dad is probably going to lecture me. He is really looking forward to me playing in the game. When he found out I was sick, he was trying to keep it in, but I could tell he was frustrated. All I have is Elise.
"Tyler!" I hear my mom call from downstairs.
I carry Elise back to her room, taking my phone back. "Tyler!" my mom calls again. This time, I pick up the pace and walk to the living room, where her and my dad are sitting. Great.
"Sit down," my dad orders.
Taking the seat furthest away from them, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Prepare for the lecture. "What the hell happened to you?!" my dad starts yelling. I want to tell him to keep it down to not scare Elise, but he will count that as "talking back."
I don't answer him which makes him even more furious. "What did Nate do?" he asks in a more gentle voice.
"He-" I start. My parents' eyes were on me, giving me all of their attention. "Well?" my dad urges me to continue.
"He asked Elena to the dance, after I already did." I answer them, not making any eye contact whatsoever. They don't say anything back, so I decide to look at them. My mom is giving me her sympathetic eyes, while my dad looks even more angry, if that is even possible.
"You did all this because of a girl?" my dad yells.
"Blake," my mom says, touching his arm. She is trying to calm him down. "Go cool down, I'll talk to him," she continues.
Oh, no.
My dad walks out the door, slamming it on the way out. "Honey," my mom starts. She takes the seat right next to me. So much for being further away from her.
"You like her?" she asks blatantly.
I don't answer her. Ugh, what is this? Some type of intervention?
"You do, don't you?" she exclaims.
I let out a hushed sigh. "Tyler," she says, touching my arm. "She may feel like the world right now, but are you sure you want to lose Nate in that matter?" she asks, having a point.
"She's different, mom." I tell her.
She smiles. A small smile tugs at my lips. She's not disappointed in me? "How so?" she asks."W-what?"
"You said she's different. How so?" she asks again.
"She just is. She takes care of me when I'm sick, she knows how to make me laugh, and when something's wrong she always knows what to say." I explain to my mom.
"Oh, sweetie. Okay, tell you what: we'll let it go this time, but don't let it happen again," she makes an agreement.
"Thanks mom, I love you," I kiss her cheek.
"Yeah, yeah. Go." she pushes me away, laughing.
A/N: Hey you guys! This chapter was so cute, between Tyler, Elise, and his mom. What did you think? I keep refreshing my wattpad page and the reads keep on going up! I can't tell you how much it means to me! Thank you guys so so much. <3

The Bad Boy was Staring at Me
Teen Fiction17 year old, Elena Hawkins thought she was going to be done with boys forever. What Nate Thompson did to her in the fifth grade was unacceptable. She didn't want to deal with heartbreak ever again. Without Nate in the picture anymore, her normal te...