Tyler's POV
"So, where are we going to practice?" Cutie asks me.
I still feel so bad for hurting her. I'm going to make sure that never happens again. She deserves to be happy at all times. I always want to see her beautiful smile on her beautiful face. Hearing her cry today broke my heart; I hate seeing her down. I can't tell her enough of how sorry I am.
"The park. Is that okay?" I ask to make sure. "Yeah, that's fine."
While she's looking out the car window, I decide to grab her hand. She is taken aback at my sudden actions. Her eyes widen as she looks at me. Her eyes drop to our hands touching so I intertwine our fingers. Her cheeks turn pink almost instantly.
"I meant what I said, you know?" I try to explain.
"That you mean a lot to me."
"Oh." She says, looking down at our intertwined fingers again.
"You mean a lot to me too." She says quietly. If I wasn't listening closely, I wouldn't have heard it.
I couldn't help but smile. My cheeks were hurting. I haven't been this happy since.. I can't even remember. She makes me happy; she makes everything feel okay in life again.
"We're here." I say as I park the car.
I let go of her hand and get out of the car. I run around to her side and open the door for her.
"After you," I say, making her smile.
"You're so adorable," she says back to me.
She didn't try to hide herself blushing this time. That's good; I like seeing her beautiful face. I finish getting everything out of the trunk and we start walking to an open area of the park.
"So, Cutie, have you ever thrown a football?" I interrogate her.
She starts bursting out in laughter. That's what I want to hear.
"Hell yeah! I can throw a mean spiral. Just you wait, Tyler Black. You're going to have some competition."
"Well, let's see what you got, big shot! Impress me."
She sticks her tongue out at me and grabs the football out of my hands. She's too cute. I swear she's a five-year-old at heart.
"Go long!" She shouts at me.
I run about 40 yards away from her. Finally, she throws the ball. It's spiraling perfectly. Oh my gosh. This girl can throw! She's so small, though. She's only 5'3! How can such a small girl have such a strong arm? She would make a great quarterback.
"Did I impress you enough?" She asks, walking over to me. Her smile goes from ear to ear.
I run up to her because at the rate she is walking, she will reach me in the next 20 years.
"That was amazing!" I say to her, pulling her into a hug.
She hugs me back and looks right into my eyes. This girl is amazing! She's pretty, smart, and can throw a football!
"Do you have a bionic arm or something?" I say inspecting arm. She starts laughing again, and replies with a simple "No."
After a few hours of throwing around the football, we start to get hungry. On the walk back to the car, I hear Cutie's stomach growling.
"Hungry?" I ask her.
"Uh-huh, sure." I say dragging out each word.
"So, where do you want to eat?" I ask her.
"Anywhere's fine."
Really? We're going to do this? Fight like an old married couple?
"Pick a place."
"Seriously, I'm fine with anything." She insists, laughing.
"Okay then."
I'm driving to my favorite restaurant. I don't tell Cutie because I know she will refuse if I tell her where we are eating. It's a fancy place, but I can't tell her just yet.
"Close your eyes, we're almost there." I reassure her.
"Tyler..." She answers with a bit of hesitation in her voice.
"Close them."
"Okay, we're parking. Don't open them yet! Wait until I open the door and lead you out," I demand.
I try my best to speed things up because we are both starving.
"Okay, open your eyes!" I say with a lot of excitement.
"Tyler!" She smacks me on the arm as she opens her eyes.
"What?" I ask, confused.
"This place is too expensive. I'm not even dressed nicely! Let's just go somewhere else." she protests.
I knew she would do this. There's no way I'm taking no for an answer.
I disregard everything she said and walk inside the restaurant. Within the time span from the parking lot to the front door of the restaurant, I heard a bunch of "TYLER'S" coming from the one and only, Elena Hawkins.
"Hi, yes, table for two, please," I say to the hostess.
"Right this way, sir."
We are sitting at a table right next to the window and Cutie is looking at me with a shocked expression. What? She deserves the best of the best. This is the least I could do after what happened today.
"What can I get for you and the lady, sir?" The waiter asks me.
"Do you have chicken nuggets?"
A/N: Hey my lovelies! This is the longest chapter I have written so far, so I hope you enjoyed it. The return of chicken nuggets have made it's way back to The Bad Boy was Staring at Me. :) What do you guys think of Tyler in this chapter? I like him so far. How about you? I love you guys so much! Please vote, comment, and share! <3

The Bad Boy was Staring at Me
Teen Fiction17 year old, Elena Hawkins thought she was going to be done with boys forever. What Nate Thompson did to her in the fifth grade was unacceptable. She didn't want to deal with heartbreak ever again. Without Nate in the picture anymore, her normal te...