Tyler's POV
Today are football tryouts. I am not thinking straight right now. There's so much pressure on me. If I don't make the team, my dad will never let me live through it. He will constantly keep bugging me, yelling at me about how I didn't try hard enough. Worse, I hope he doesn't blame me for always hanging out with Cutie. Now, that will flip me off.
I g to the Tables early today so I can be alone for a few minutes. Today is a big day for me. I can't get distracted. My head is running the plays I think will look best, the ones to impress the coaches. I have to make the team!
After a few minutes, I see Cutie walking up to the Tables. She makes it so hard to focus. Once she reaches the Tables, she sits next to me.
"Hey, Tyler!"
"Hey," I say, trying to be vague.
She leaves me alone to go talk to Jess and Lex. It's for the best. I don't want her to see me stressed out. I can become really mean when I'm stressed and I definitely don't want Cutie to be scared of me. After she finishes talking to Lex and Jess, she comes back next to me. I can feel my heart beating out of my chest. Not because she's next to me, but because of all the adrenaline and pressure I'm feeling.
This is becoming too much to handle.
I run my hand through my hair and cover my face with my hands. Then, I feel a soft hand lay on my shoulder. It's her. I know it's her.
"Tyler, are you okay?" She asks softly, making it seem like it's only me and her.
"I'm fine," I snap back at her, trying to get her hand off my shoulder.
Deciding I can't take this anymore, I get up, grab my backpack, and leave. I hear fast footsteps behind me. God! Why doesn't she just leave it alone?
"Tyler!" She yells, grabbing my arm.
Knowing that she won't give up, I give in and face her. She looks so tired from running. I suddenly feel bad for making her chase me after she just came out of the hospital. My head drops and I'm looking at my feet, avoiding eye contact.
"Hey, what's wrong?" She asks delicately. It's almost like if she starts yelling, I'm going to break.
I don't answer her; I remain looking at my shoes. I just want to be alone. I don't want to deal with this right now.
"Tyler." She says in a firmer voice.
"Why do you even care?" I say back.
A look of hurt flashes through her eyes.
I didn't mean to-
"Why do I care? I said I would always be there for you, Tyler! No matter what!" She shouts at me.
"Football tryouts are today," I whisper to her. She looks relaxed now and is listening to me intently.
"My dad, he's really counting on me to make the team. If I don't, I'm never going to hear the end of it. He's going to tell me that I wasn't good enough, or that I was too distracted- that I didn't practice enough times to perfect my game. There's just so much pressure on me today."
"Tyler," She starts.
"You are good enough. I saw you play when we went to the park. They would be crazy not to put you on the team. Trust me." she says.
"But-" She cuts me off.
"Never doubt yourself, okay? Promise me."
"I promise," I say loyally.
She takes my hand in hers and looks me in the eyes.
"Good, because I believe in you."
A/N: Hi guys! This chapter really killed me. I love how they are with each other. It's like Elena is the only one that can calm Tyler down. He's a closed book, but he opens up to her. Did you guys like it? Please vote, comment, and share! Thanks my lovelies! <3

The Bad Boy was Staring at Me
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