Elena's POV
Okay, this is it. I'm just going to text him, no big deal. What should I say? "Hey, Tyler?" Yeah, that should be good. Right? Yeah.
Elena: Hey, Tyler :)
Now, I just have to wait for his response... if he responds. Oh no. What if he's one of those guys that just reads it? Or just types back "K." God, I hate those guys. I don't want a simple word. I want sentences, complete sentences!
Bzzz. Bzzz.
Tyler: Hey, Cutie. What's up?
He texted back! Yay!
I wait a little while to text him back so it doesn't seem like I'm too clingy. To kill time, I go on Spotify and turn on Heartbeat Song by Kelly Clarkson. The song is blasting throughout my non-soundproof walls. I don't care; I got a response from him! Maybe he is different. I grab my hairbrush, using it as a microphone. Elena, text him back already!
Elena: I was just studying; nothing much. How 'bout you?
Tyler: Playing football with my dad, practicing for tryouts
Elena: Oh, sorry if I was bugging you ._.
I knew I shouldn't have texted him. See, Elena! He was busy, and now you interrupted him. If he doesn't make the team, it's going to be all your fault. Maybe I should listen to Vickie.
Bzzz. Bzzz.
Tyler: No, no. It's not like that Cutie. You weren't bugging me. We were just finishing up anyways.
Oh, Thank God! Phew, that was a close one. I was actually thinking about listening to Vickie. Wow, I would have to reach rock bottom before that happens. Haha. I wasn't even thinking.
Elena: Oh haha good. I didn't want to be the one responsible if you didn't make the team.
Why the hell did I just say that? I must be crazy! Ugh.
Elena: I didn't mean that you wouldn't make the team! I wasn't thinking about what I was typing. I'm so, so sorry. :(
Tyler's POV
Cutie: I didn't mean that you wouldn't make the team! I wasn't thinking about what I was typing. I'm so, so sorry. :(
Does she really think I would blame her if I didn't make the team? I would never do that, ever! Can't she tell? She makes my day. I was scared to text her first; what if I screwed it up? That would be awkward. I'm so happy she texted me first.
Tyler: No worries, Cutie. I would never blame you for me not making the team. Tell you what, why don't you come with me after school tomorrow and you can help me practice?
Was that too much? I can teach her how to throw a spiral. Nate told me she was a football fanatic, so hopefully she'll say yes.
Cutie: I would love to :)
Yes, she said yes! No. She said she would love to! I get to hang out with her! But we're just friends, right? I'm pretty sure that's how she sees it. After all, isn't it all we are?
Cutie and I keep texting each other all night. We talk about the most random things. I like learning new things about her; she surprises me everyday. Like, how her favorite flower is a daisy and that her favorite place in the whole world is Disneyland. Her favorite NFL team is the Broncos and that if I throw her in a swimming pool, she would drown.
She learned new things about me too. I never really opened up to girls before. People say I'm a closed book. I'm not going to deny it, because what would happen if I did? People will see me differently.
Tyler Black, the school's softie.
I can't let that happen. My reputation would be ruined. Elena, however, brings out a whole other side of me. When I'm with her, I don't care who's watching. It's like me and her against the world. She makes me forget our true age. We act like five-year-olds on a playground, but I don't care. I like feeling like a kid. There's nothing to worry about.
She's a year older than me, but I'm not going to let that stop me. Age doesn't matter, at least not to me it doesn't.
A/N: Hi my beautiful readers! I know, I say this every time, but this is the best chapter I have written! This is my favorite chapter I have written up until now. Did you guys enjoy it as much as I did? I hope so! What is your favorite chapter? Leave it in the comments! Please vote and share too! Love you guys so much. <3 <3
As you can see, Elena's favorite team is the Broncos. LIKE ME! I'm sorry, I just had too.

The Bad Boy was Staring at Me
Teen Fiction17 year old, Elena Hawkins thought she was going to be done with boys forever. What Nate Thompson did to her in the fifth grade was unacceptable. She didn't want to deal with heartbreak ever again. Without Nate in the picture anymore, her normal te...