Elena's POV
I can hear every word Tyler is saying. He's breaking my heart. I heard him say that Vickie's test was false which I'm very relieved of, but I'm still so mad at him. It doesn't change the fact that he slept with her and they were almost pregnant. That doesn't mean that I forgive him for what he did to me. I might never forgive him.
"Elena, I love you."
I hear Tyler's deep voice break as he says the three words that I've been dying to hear.
I need to wake up. I have to talk to him.
Feeling Tyler's fingers intertwined with mine, I open my eyes slowly one by one, letting the harsh light shine on them. I gasp for air which catches Tyler's attention. "Elena! You're awake," he stands over me, letting me taking in his presence.
All the memories of Jess telling me about him and Vickie come rushing back. Feeling my eyes water, I turn my head away from him so I can't see him anymore. I loosen my grip on his hand that is attached to mine, signaling I don't want him to touch me. He gets the message, but holds on tighter. "Cutie," he sounds disappointed.
"Don't call me that. I'm not your Cutie anymore," I mutter softly, my voice weak.
"Elena," he corrects. "I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry," he continuously repeats.
I shake my head slightly. "I don't want to talk right now. Get the doctor."
He exits, letting the door shut softly behind him. Tears fall freely down my face as he leaves. I don't want this. I want it to be over.
The doctor comes in and tells me that she will run some tests to check everything one last time. I will also have to stay here one more night so they can keep an eye on me.
Jess comes in shortly after the doctor leaves.
"Hey, bestie." she greets softly, as if she spoke too loudly, I would break.
"Hey." I whisper.
"How are you?" she asks, already knowing the answer.
I can feel my eyes stinging from the tears coming back up. My throat is getting blocked with the lump that forms, restraining me from talking. Jess picks up on my actions quickly and wraps her arms gently around me. I bury my head in her shoulder, letting my tears wet her shirt. "I shouldn't have left you alone," she blames herself.
"No, this was all me. I should've seen the car coming."
After a long talk with Jess and my parents who flew in as soon as possible, it was time to face Tyler.
The conversation I've been dreading the most.
I hear the door creak open and I look up from my Jell-o to see who it is. Of course, it's him. I put down my food on the table next to my bed and stare at Tyler waiting for him to start talking.
"Elena," he whispers. I thought I could handle this, but I can't. I rip my eyes off of him before I can start crying again. He rushes up to my bedside and studies me. "Please look at me," he begs. I shake my head slowly, still looking the other way. "Elena, please." His voice breaks this time. This hurts him as much as it hurts me. I turn my head towards him, but still keep my eyes shut.
He grabs my hand and holds it as tight as he possibly can. "Baby, please?" he pleads.
"I can't look at you the same way. You're not the same person to me anymore," I explain. It's time. I have to look at him to have this conversation, even if I don't want to. My eyes open slowly and reveal a broken boy.
His head is hung low, not knowing I opened my eyes. I use this time to study him. His hair's all messed up, poking out from different directions. It's not like the way it was; always gelled. His eyes are red and swollen, his face has tear streaks from crying, and his clothes are all wrinkled. I look at his hand that is holding mine, his knuckles red and scabbed. Did he punch something?
He lifts his head up and realizes I'm looking at him. "Elena, please. I'm so sorry. She's not pregnant; it was a false alarm. I'm so sorry."
"Just because she's not pregnant doesn't mean it's okay." I snap at him, a tear slowly falling down my cheek.
"I know," he answers softly.
"Why, Tyler?" I ask the question I've been dying to ask. My voice cracks from the tears that were now falling freely.
"I don't know," he whispers, not looking at me.
"Was I not enough for you? Was my love for you not enough?"
I told myself not to fall in love anymore. It would just end up just like what's happening right now. Why am the one who always ends up getting hurt?
He sniffs and looks up at me with his red eyes. "You are enough. You're my whole world."
"Then why? I don't understand," I protest.
"It was a mistake. She was a mistake. It was never meant for it to be like this!"
"Was I a mistake?" I softly ask.
"No!" he yells. "Elena, I love you."
He said it. The three words that would bring me back to him any day.
"We can't just jump back into what we were before this. I need time. This doesn't change what you did though. I lost my trust in you. You need to earn it back if we're ever going to be together." I explain thoroughly. If there's even a chance.
He nods and goes up to kiss me. His muscular arms engulf my small frame, I feel a tear drip down on my shoulder. He buries his face in my shoulder, holding me tight. "I'm so sorry, Cutie. I love you so much. Never again will I let you go."
A/N: I have no words. This chapter is so emotional, I can't even. What are your thoughts? Let me know in the comments down below! This book is coming to an end. I'm so sad! I've enjoyed reading your comments and seeing your votes so far! I can't believe we're coming to an end soon.

The Bad Boy was Staring at Me
Teen Fiction17 year old, Elena Hawkins thought she was going to be done with boys forever. What Nate Thompson did to her in the fifth grade was unacceptable. She didn't want to deal with heartbreak ever again. Without Nate in the picture anymore, her normal te...