Elena's POV
Today at school I could not stop smiling.
He said yes! I have Tyler Black's phone number! Did you hear that Vickie? I have his number! There's no way in hell I'm staying away from him. That would just be too tragic. I don't think I could take not seeing him every day. But, I don't have to worry about that now; I got his number!
"You're in a good mood." Lex says in a chirpy voice. "I sure am," I reply happily.
Jeez, is my voice always this high-pitched? Nah, I think I'm just super happy! This is like Disneyland to me! Don't get me wrong, I love Disneyland a whole lot, but this is pretty up there with it.
"That's good. So what happened, why are you all smiley, hm? Is there a boy involved? There is, isn't there? O.M.G! Say something; spill!" Lex rambled on and on.
I want to tell Lex and Jess about Tyler, but I can't. Not just yet, anyway. Tyler and I aren't even serious. We're just close friends, that's all. There really isn't anything to share with them yet. If we get serious, I'll tell them. Now's not the right time. Plus, I don't want everyone finding out that the smart girl likes the bad boy player. We all know how that story goes.
"Elena! Well? Say something!" Lex waves a hand in front of my face, bringing me back to reality. "Nothing. It's nothing," I respond.
"Mhm, whatever. You'll tell me eventually," she says and walks away once the bell rings.
Lex is right; I try to keep things from her for a while, but they always end up spilling out of me. Eventually, she'll put all the pieces together. I just have to keep it on the down-low right now.
Tyler is always on my mind, be it at school or at home. Should I be the one to text him first, or should I wait? Ugh, I hate waiting! Okay, maybe I'll wait a little longer. I should at least get some of my homework done. Shoot! I need to study the states in alphabetical order for extra credit in History! I'm just gonna look for a song on YouTube. It's easier that way.
"Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indi-"
Bzzz. Bzzz.
The vibration of my phone cuts me off. It's Nate. Ugh, not who I wanted it to be. Why? What does he want now?
Nate: Hey, Elena.
Elena: Hi
Nate: What are you doing?
Elena: Studying. What do you want, Nate?
Nate: I miss us hanging out.
I decide not to answer him. He doesn't deserve to say that to me. Instead, I just continue my extra credit homework. I have to keep my brain occupied somehow, and homework is the way to do it. I prefer working ahead in Science, but I have to study for History. My worst subject, other than math.
"Elena! Dinner's ready!" My mom calls out.
"I'm not really hungry, mom! I had a big lunch at school and I need to study for History!"
"Okay, honey, it's here if you want it," she yells back.
"Thanks, mom!"
Should I text him? Yes, no, maybe? Why is this so hard? Aren't guys supposed to be the ones to text girls first? Shut up, Elena. Maybe he's just busy. Yeah, he's busy. Or maybe he's with Vickie! Oh hell no! What if he's with that girl draped over him at lunch that one time? What am I saying? We're just friends.
Screw the damn rules.
I'm taking a risk.
I'm going to text him first.
A/N: Hey guys! This chapter was a really happy chapter! I love, love, loved it! I hope you guys did too. Elena, isn't scared anymore! Yay! She's overcoming her fears! Screw the rules. Text a guy if you want to, in the end he's just another human being. Please vote, comment, and share! Thanks my lovelies! <3

The Bad Boy was Staring at Me
Teen Fiction17 year old, Elena Hawkins thought she was going to be done with boys forever. What Nate Thompson did to her in the fifth grade was unacceptable. She didn't want to deal with heartbreak ever again. Without Nate in the picture anymore, her normal te...