Elena's POV
How could he? He knew I was falling for him. Why would he brutally end that? What did I do wrong? It's 'cause she's better than me right? Skinnier. Prettier. Everything I'm not.
I close the door and turn off all the lights in my room to make it pitch black. I could hear the voices in my head telling me that I never stood a chance with Tyler in the first place, that I would never be his number one priority, that I would always be nothing to him.
A knock comes to my door. "Elena?" a voice calls. It's Tyler. My parents probably let him in. I can notice his voice from a mile away. The image of Vickie in his clothes comes back in my mind, which makes my eyes fill with tears again.
"Go away!" I yell, my voice hiccuping.
"Cutie, please." His voice sounded hurt.
"Don't call me that anymore!" I shout once again.
"Elena, it wasn't like that! Please. I just need to you to listen to me," he pleads.
"No, you're a complete different person to me now."
"Elena, open this door. It's not what you think!" he shakes the doorknob.
My tears are overflowing and I can barely hear what Tyler is saying anymore. I just want it all to stop. Stop the pain. Stop the voices.
"Elena! If what we had was real-" He pauses to take a breath and I can tell he's crying. "Just, please listen to me." He finishes.
That right there sends me off the edge. I give in and unlock the door. He lets himself in and sees me from the light radiating into my room from the hallway. He takes the seat next to me on the floor and holds me in his arms. I'm not strong enough to pull away.
"Was I not good enough for you?" I sob into his chest.
I feel one of his tears hit my arm. "You were, you are!" he insists.
"Then why her?" I ask.
"I didn't sleep with her, if that's what you're thinking," he clarifies.
Then what?
"She was helping me babysit my little sister, Elise; the little girl who picked up the phone when you called. Elise was sick and threw up on Vickie. I let her borrow one of my clean shirts because she didn't have any clothes to change into," he explains.
I look up at him. He wipes away my tears. "That's all, nothing else?" I ask to make sure. He lets out a sigh and kisses my forehead.
"That's all. Elena, I would never hurt you like that."
I whimper, processing his words. "You mean too much to me," he continues. "Why was she at your house, though?" I still wonder.
"Her mom and my mom are close friends. And she loves Elise."
My breathing slows down, letting myself process all the new information that Tyler just explained to me. "I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions," I apologize.
"Don't be sorry. I should've told you about it in the first place," he says, resting his head on mine.
I hug him, holding him close to my heart. "I'm falling for you too, Elena Hawkins," he says, repeating what I had told him yesterday.
"Don't ever say that you're not good enough for me because you are more than enough. And this," he gestures to himself, "This belongs to you. My heart belongs to you. My everything belongs to you."
He kisses me and holds me like there's no tomorrow. Our salty tears mix in with each others, but we don't care. No, it was me and him against the world. We're not a couple, but we're definitely more than just friends. "I never want you to feel like that again, like you're worthless, like you have nothing. Because, you have me."
"You have me too. You're my everything." I tell him.
A/N: Tyler's innocent! Are you relieved? Haha, I'm sorry. Drama has been in this a lot lately, but it just proves that Tylena is indestructible! I loved this chapter! Hope you did too! Love you guys! <3
Tell me your thoughts! I've had a lot of ghost readers these past few chapter :'(.

The Bad Boy was Staring at Me
Teen Fiction17 year old, Elena Hawkins thought she was going to be done with boys forever. What Nate Thompson did to her in the fifth grade was unacceptable. She didn't want to deal with heartbreak ever again. Without Nate in the picture anymore, her normal te...