Elena's POV
As of right now, I'm waiting for a text from Tyler. Not just any text, the text. He's going to tell me if he made the team or not. He has to! He's amazing at playing football! It's unbelievable how good he is.
"Elena! Dinner's ready!" My mom calls. Seriously, while I'm waiting for something important?
"I'm not hungry mom, I ate a big lunch at school!" I lie; I hadn't eaten anything today.
That's okay, it'll help with my image. Maybe I'll even drop a few pounds. Plus, Tyler's more important right now. I can always eat after..
Bzzz. Bzzz. Bzzz. Bzzz. Bzzz. My phone rings.
I guess he wants to call me instead of text. Alrighty then. Well, here goes nothing.
"Hello?" I answer impatiently. Well, say something already! Hurry up, I'm losing patience! That's a lie. I lost patience awhile ago. Now speak, boy!
"I told you I wouldn't make the team," his voice was low and disappointed.
"What!" I'm pretty sure I hurt his ears by shouting like that, but I don't care.
This is outrageous! Is the football coach crazy?! Do they not see the potential he has? Ugh! What is this? Unbelievable.
"There were better people there. Of course they would make the team. How could they not? I'm just average. That's okay; I wasn't expecting much anyway." He explains.
What did I tell him about believing in himself?
I stay silent. There is no freaking way! He's amazing! For people to not see that... Ugh! These people. Are they blind or something, can they not see the potential he has?
"Just kidding, Cutie! I made the team!" He jokes. "Your reaction was priceless!"
"Are you serious? Oh my gosh, I'm so happy for you! I knew you had it in you. They would be absolutely crazy not to let you be on the team!"
"Thank you so much, Elena! I couldn't have done it without you. You really are the best, you know that?"
I blush a little at his sweet words. He really knows how to make me smile. This boy, I'm telling you, is going to be the death of me. I'm not even joking.
Damn Elena, you need to chill. He's just a boy. Another human being.
A beautiful human being.
Ugh, my life!
I decide to call Lex later that night. I haven't talked to her in a while; I've been spending so much time with Tyler. He's all I've been thinking about. I haven't really had time to talk to Lex or Jess for that matter.
"Hello?" Lex picks up.
"Hey, bestie!"
"Elena! Hi!" She exclaims.
"Hey, was I bothering you? Sorry if I was, I can call back later if you want." I inform her.
"No,no, you're good. So, what have you been up to? Hanging out with Tyler?" She asks, laughing softly.
"Uhm? Wait what?" I respond very confused. I thought I wasn't showing that much emotion towards him, at least not to the point where it was visible. Was it visible?
"Elena, I see the way you are with him, the way you look at him. You like him." she states. Great Elena, way to keep Tyler a secret. The whole world probably knows you like him. Apparently they can see it. You thought.. Ha! See, that's the problem. You thought!
"Oh. AmI really that obvious?" I ask very curiously.
"To me and Jess you are. Every time you guys smile at each other or exchange one of your inside jokes, Jess and I share a look. You guys are cute, really," she explains thoroughly.
"Oh." I laugh a little. Oh? That's all you can say? You can't even man up and admit you like him, to your best friend!
Well, I can't really man up because I'm a girl, so technically...
"Elena, you have to be careful with Tyler. He's been with a lot of girls. Kira being one of them. He really liked her a while ago." She cuts off my train of thought.
Kira was the girl draped over him at lunch that one time. Are they not done? Does he still like her? Are they still a thing?
"Yeah, I know. Thanks," I answer briefly.
I knew about Kira, but I didn't know how serious they were. From some, I heard that he was devastated after the break up. He must of definitely liked her. What if he loved her? What if he still does? That would ruin all the chances I have with him. That is, if I even have a chance.
"Just be careful with him," she reminds me.
"I'll be fine, Lex. Thank you anyways."
"Yeah, no problem." she reassures me as she hangs up.
I really wish everyone would stop telling me to be cautious with Tyler. What's the worst he could do to me? I know I'm not usually the type of girls he dates, he is way out of my league! That's not going to stop me. This feels right and I'm not giving up anytime soon. I can deal with a little heartbreak if it comes. Tyler wouldn't hurt me, right?
A/N: Hey lovely readers! Do you guys like this chapter? What did you think of Lex and Elena's conversation? Do you think it will come in handy? I mean, Tyler wouldn't dream of hurting Elena right?

The Bad Boy was Staring at Me
Teen Fiction17 year old, Elena Hawkins thought she was going to be done with boys forever. What Nate Thompson did to her in the fifth grade was unacceptable. She didn't want to deal with heartbreak ever again. Without Nate in the picture anymore, her normal te...