Chapter 5 ~ Chicken Nuggets

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Tyler's POV

Please. Please sit by me. Don't decline it. I want to get to know you.

"Sure." she says with such an innocent voice.


"So what is your favorite food?" I ask, breaking the awkward tension between us. By this time, Nate and Chase are sitting across from me and Elena. She still hasn't answered my question about her favorite food. Was it salad, maybe a burger?

"Uhm.." She pondered. Her thinking face is cute. She makes this face where her eyebrows become furrowed and she looks up in the air to visualize the food. She is very determined. It's like nobody ever asked her what her favorite food was, ever. It was as if the thought never crossed her mind before.

"Well, what is it?" I ask her, very impatiently. "Chicken nuggets!!" She declares, happily. Chicken nuggets? Is she a five year old? I laugh out loud. Her face lights up with excitement. It really is her favorite food. It's not just something she thought of off the top of her head. This girl is seriously something very different.

"Did. You. Just. Say. Chicken. Nuggets?" I ask each word slowly because I can't contain my laughter. "Yeah!" she replies, very confident with her answer.

Nate and Chase are laughing also. They probably think she acts like a little girl as well. I think it's cute. Her favorite food is simple. It isn't anything too expensive. That's a good thing. If I were to take her on a date, I wouldn't have to take her to a very fancy restaurant to get her favorite food. I could just take her to McDonald's.

Wait. Hold up. Did I seriously just think about taking her out on a date? I don't do dates! What is this girl doing to me?


At lunch, I see Elena going to save the table she, Jess, and Lex always eat at. Once she sits down, I realize that she forgot to grab a fork. She gets back up and goes to get her missing utensil. This is my chance.

"Let's go," I told Chase and Nate. As soon as she leaves the table, we run to go sit down at her beloved friends table. We just intrude her space. I take a few fries from her lunch that is sitting right in front of me. This is her spot. She always sits here. Today, that's about to change.

"Bro, she's coming back." Chase says quickly. I stuff my face with the remaining fries in my hand. Did I take one too many? Psshht. No. You can never take too many fries.

She's behind me; I can feel her presence. She clears her throat, indicating I should get out of her spot. I turn around and shoot her a smile. There's no way I'm moving out of this spot. She's thinking wrong if she wants me to move. This butt is not going anywhere, cutie. "Excuse me. You're in my spot."


I don't move for her to sit down. I laugh silently at her shocked expression. "Well, are you going to get up or not?" I can hear the impatientness in her voice. She almost sounds like me waiting at Starbucks every morning. She's a bit more whiny than I am, though. I laugh at my own thought. Damn, I should do stand up comedy; I would be rich.

"Not." I object with my devilish smirk. "Why are you even in my spot? You should be sitting with- did you eat my fries?!" Her voice is ready to scold me as she talks. Uh oh.

"You come in and just barge into my life," In her life, what does that mean? "and my house." Okay, yeah, I did that. "Then, you take my seat. My seat! Get up, by the way," she urges. No, I'm pretty comfortable.

"And to top it off, you steal my fries? Who do you think you are!" I laugh until my stomach starts hurting. This girl is absolutely hilarious. I could listen to her lecture me all day. I hold onto the table for support to keep me up. Chase and Nate are laughing with me too, but she disregards them and focuses on me.

"What about this is funny, Tyler?" She asks me, her voice very demanding. Everything. "Cutie, are you done lecturing me?" I question her. "Ugh! Just get out of my seat." She nags me. Like I said, I'm not going anywhere. I'm comfortable right where I am. "No," I risk saying back to her.

"Tyler!" She whines. "Cutie!" I say, mimicking her exact voice. Nate told me she hates it when people imitate her. So, I did it anyway. "Whatever, I'm moving then." She moves to the right of me and grabs her lunch, then turns around to walk the other way. Her shoelaces are untied. She could trip!

She takes her first step and immediately falls forward. Before she can touch the ground, I catch her. My hands are placed firmly on her waist holding her up.

Just call me Superman.


A/N: A whole chapter in Tyler's POV. What?! Elena and Tyler are finally making progress. What are your guys' favorite foods? And have you ever tripped in front of everyone before? I did, at Homecoming. So embarrassing. I hope you guys liked this chapter! Should I write in Tyler's POV more often?

So I have this new obsession with the Dolan Twins. Do you guys like them? I do! They're outdo song is stuck in my head. You guys should go listen to it. But, let me tell you that it's really catchy. Don't blame me! I warned you!

Who else do you guys like as celebrities? I have this unhealthy love for Jack Gilinsky. He's so beautiful, don't even get me started. I am so stoked for the Jack and Jack book coming out in September! I hope I get it for my birthday! Do you guys like G? My goal one day is to see him and Johnson. I had a dream one time that I met them in Disneyland. There's nothing more I love than Disneyland and my boys! Can't wait for the day I actually meet them! 

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