Tyler's POV
"You guys should just date already."
"Oh my gosh," Cutie says.
Damn you, Trevor. I only told you, Nate, and Chase. You couldn't keep it a secret for much longer, could you? You just had to get it out of your system. What if Elena doesn't feel the same way as me? This is so embarrassing. I have to get out of here before Cutie can look right through me.
I get up from sitting next to Cutie and I go sit by Kai, a junior that plays football with me. I don't look at Elena when I get up. I don't want to see confusion on her face. Even worse, I don't want to see hurt on her beautiful face. She just can't know my feelings for her yet. I can't let that happen.
It was almost time to go class, so I decide to leave a little early before anyone starts asking questions. Especially Elena. It is unbelievably hard to focus in class today. All I can think about is what Trevor said. He knows how I feel about her, and he knows my friendship with her too. Why would he want to at least try to jeopardize that? I didn't do anything to him.
The day is going by quick; it is already lunch time. I don't feel like sitting with Cutie and her friends today. My friends either, for that matter. I go sit in my car, blasting my music. My phone is non-stop ringing today. I keep getting texts from Chase and Nate, asking where I am. I even get a text from Lex.
Lex: Where the hell are you? Elena's worried about you.
She's worried about me, even after all I put her through? She still cares? I don't even know why I bother. I'm just some jock and she's so smart and beautiful. She can't possibly want someone like me.
That's why I didn't want Trevor to say anything! He probably ruined all my chances of being with her. Maybe it's for the best. She doesn't deserve someone like me; she deserves better. I've been with so many girls before her, I don't even know what's real or not anymore.
Elena's POV
Where the hell could Tyler be? Why did he just storm off like that?
The whole day I can't stop thinking about what Trevor said. What was that supposed to mean? Is it some kind of joke? Because it's not funny. You can't joke about that. If he likes me or not, it's not funny. At least, I don't find it amusing. You can't just play with my feelings like that. It's not cool.
Could he like me? No, there's no way. I'm probably the last person he would choose. I'm different from all the girls he's been with. I don't do sports, I can't sing, and I'm definitely not popular. He's way out of my league. I'm kidding myself if I think I could end up with a guy like him. I'd just ruin his reputation.
At lunch, I make Lex text him. He isn't responding to any of my texts or calls. Maybe he'll answer if someone else tried reaching him. He doesn't though. Nothing. Nobody has heard from him since this morning. He wants to be alone, I get it. That's fine. I just hope that this whole thing will subside, not interfere with our friendship.
I decide to text him when I was finished with dinner and my homework. Maybe he's feeling a little better? Hopefully. It's worth a shot.
Elena: Hey. :)
It's getting late, I should probably get ready for bed. He probably won't text back anyways. Nobody could get through to him. What made me think I could?
Bzzz.. Bzzz...
Tyler: Hey.
Elena: Where were you today?
Tyler: Just thinking.
Elena: You know that you can always talk to me right? I'll always be here.
Maybe I shouldn't have said that. He might think I'm too clingy.
Tyler: Yeah, thanks, Cutie. I'm always here for you too. I'll see you at the Tables tomorrow?
Elena: Yeah, definitely.
Tyler: Goodnight, Cutie. I'll dream about you. ;)
A/N: Hey my lovely readers! How was your day today? Mine is going pretty good so far. I hope you guys liked this chapter. I did! Tell me what you guys thought about it. Please vote, comment, and share! Thank you. <3

The Bad Boy was Staring at Me
Teen Fiction17 year old, Elena Hawkins thought she was going to be done with boys forever. What Nate Thompson did to her in the fifth grade was unacceptable. She didn't want to deal with heartbreak ever again. Without Nate in the picture anymore, her normal te...