Chapter 4 ~ Officially Meeting

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Tyler's POV

"He's in the living room. Why don't you go keep him company?"

I didn't know Mrs. Hawkins had a daughter that goes to my school. Oh please, don't let it be one of the flings. Please, God, not one of those clingy girls.

"Okay, mom." Mrs. Hawkins' daughter responds. I hear footsteps coming towards the entrance of the living room. I have to make a good impression. This girl could ruin my reputation if she sees me sprawled out on her couch. Quickly, I sit up straight and face the tv, not noticing she was already standing next to me.

No way; she's the girl from this morning! Am I in her house? Oh God, she must think I'm a creep. What do I do, what do I do?

Why the hell am I freaking out? I'm Tyler Black. Tyler Black does not get scared.

Her jaw is open wide and she looks like she hasn't blinked in a minute. "Uhm, hi," I say as nicely as possible to break the ice. I shoot her my million dollar smirk and she simply blinks.

What? What did I do now?

"Cutie, you should close your mouth before flies get in it." She smiles and lets out a small giggle. Thank God. What now, do we talk?

"H-hi. I'm Elena Hawkins," she said quietly. It almost isn't loud enough for me to hear her. Her medium length hair is tied back in a ponytail. Some of the pieces are falling out just enough to frame her face. "Hey, I'm Tyler Black." I introduce myself.

"Yeah, weren't you at the Tables this morning?" She asks me, knowingly. "Yeah I was. How come I haven't seen you before?" Quietly, she replies, "I don't really hang out with that crowd."

"Well, if you don't feel comfortable with anyone else there, I'll always be there. Come say hi sometime. Don't be a stranger." She blushes. Seriously, where has this girl been? Has she been living under a rock?


Elena's POV

Tyler finally left with his mom. He was in my house, on my couch! One of the hottest guys in school was on my couch! I didn't really get to look at him this morning.

Today, when he was in my house, that was my chance. I took advantage of looking at him there. His jet black hair still looked nice. His jawline could literally cut a diamond. Don't even get me started on his brown eyes. They looked at me with such intensity. His smirk was, well, I don't know. Why he doesn't just smile?

Okay, Elena. Stop thinking about the hot guy that was on your couch. You have to study for your history test. Ugh. Why do we even need history class?

I take out my history book and start rereading the boring material. After a few hours of relearning something that I'm not even going to remember, I text Jess and Lex about the plans they were apparently talking about at lunch. Wow, I have no idea what they were saying. What was I even doing?

I check the time; 11:52 p.m.

After taking a shower, I change into my pajamas and get in bed. Sweet dreams, world.


I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing. Who in the damn hell is calling? "Hello?" My voice comes out raspy as I answer. "Get your butt out of bed and get ready for school. I brought cookies to eat at the Tables." It was Lex.


After completing my daily morning routine, I head downstairs to the kitchen to meet my mom and dad. "Good morning! I made you a mango smoothie today!" My mom's chirpy voice blasts through my ears. How? It's so early.

Ever since dad got her a blender, everything became liquefied. I don't mind, though; she makes me a delicious smoothie every morning. "You ready to go, Elena?" My dad asks me. "Yup."

When we arrive at the Tables, Lex and Jess are already there. So is Tyler. He wasn't sitting next to anyone, probably because his bag was next to him. "Bye, dad." I say, climbing out the car door.

Walking to the Tables, I don't know who to sit by. The bench could only fit two people and Lex and Jess are already sitting together, despite the fact that Lex said she brought cookies. Please don't make me sit with people I don't know. No, I can't.

"Hey, Elena!" A deep, familiar voice calls. I look up from the ground to see who it is. It's the one and only, Tyler Black. His brown eyes are looking at me, staring into my soul. He clears his belongings off the bench. "Elena, sit with me," he offers, patting the spot next to him. 

Did he save that seat for me?


A/N: Hi my lovelies! So far this is my favorite chapter I have written. What do you think of Tyler so far? He's not as horrible as people take him for, is he? I try to update as often as I can, so please bear with me. Thank you!! Please vote, comment, and share! <3

I just finished watching The Forest. Let me tell you, I was pretty disappointed. I wasn't scared at all. The whole point of me watching it was to get scared! But, nope. This movie did nothing. Yeah, I had the occasional jump scare, but I wasn't on the edge of my seat. Tell me, did you guys see it? And did you like it or not? 

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