Jess' POV
"Did you get the keg?" I ask Chase and Nate.
"Sure thing," Chase answers.
I'm throwing a party at my house in celebration of summer. It's been a few weeks since Elena went to California, and she's still not back. Sucks to be her; she's missing the best summer party of the year.
I slip on my little black dress that hugs my body perfectly. It pushes up my chest and does all the right things. "Hurry up, you guys! It's almost 8:00!" I urge the boys.
Tons of people are starting to come through the door. Some I know, and some are complete strangers. I hope they don't take or break anything valuable. My mom would definitely kill me. "Great party, Jess!" Tyler shouts over the DJ I hired. "I'm going to play beer pong!" he informs me.
"Okay." I laugh at him. He's already buzzed. I wish Elena was here to see her drunken boyfriend; He's hilarious.
I go over to where the keg was. "Tap it!" I tell some guy. "Hold my legs up." I demand at the guy who is watching me. He holds my legs- and dress- as I do a handstand on the keg. "Chug! Chug! Chug!" everyone cheers me on.
"Woohoo!" I cheer as soon as I get back on my feet.
Woah, I'm dizzy. Why is the ground moving? No! Why is the world spinning? Haha. The world is always spinning. What am I saying?
"Tyler!" I shout when I see him doing body shots off some random girl's body.
"Jess!" he shouts back, hugging me.
"Want some tequila?" he offers holding a shot glass out to me.
"Only if you have a lime," I tell him. He sticks his fist out and opens it to reveal a sliced piece of lime. "Voila!" he exclaims. "Magic."
"Woah! Can you teach me how to do that?" I ask him in disbelief of the trick he just did. How'd he get the lime there?
I take the shot of tequila. "Lime!" I shout as the alcohol burned my throat. Tyler shoves the lime in my mouth and starts laughing at me. "Again!" he yells.
Oh, I don't feel so good. I think I'm going to go lie down for a while.
I walk up the stairs, which takes me a good 20 minutes, because I trip over everything. "Excuse me," I say as I accidently bump into a girl.
"Watch where you're going!" she scolds me. I gesture with my hands for her to go away. I really need to lie down.
I go to my room and passed out.
I wake up from the sound of two people trying to unlock my bedroom door. I sit up, groaning, because my head hurts like hell. Ugh. Before I check to see who was out the door, I run to my bathroom to throw up. Ew. I quickly brush my teeth and open the door.
"Oh, sorry!" a guy says, pulling away from the girl he is kissing. Ew! Anywhere but my room. Stay out of my room! I turn around, lock my bedroom door, and head back down to the party.
It is currently 1:00am and the party is still as wild as when it began. "Okay, everybody out!" I yell through a megaphone I find on the kitchen table. "Get out! Party's over. Go home." I inform them.
Dozens and dozens of people are heading out the door. I go check the bathroom to see if anyone is still left in there. I knock on the door. No answer. I turn the doorknob and open the door wide. To my surprise, Tyler is on the ground.
"Tyler. Can you hear me? Wake up," I shake him lightly. He opens his eyes and looks at me.
"Jess!" he exclaims, still drunk. Ugh, my head.
I help him off the ground, wrapping my arms around him, slinging his arm over my shoulder. "Okay, let's go." I tell him, trying to bring him into the living room. Great. How am I going to help him down the stairs? That's going to take forever! Whatever. Elena, you owe me big time.
"Can I tell you something?" Tyler slurs. .
"Sure," I groan, trying to support his bodyweight on my tiny figure.
"Sh, but you can't tell Cutie," he informs me.
"I can't tell Cutie what?" I ask.
"Vickie's pregnant," he slurs his words.
Oh my god. Did I hear that right? She's pregnant?
"With my baby," he finishes.
A/N: Don't you just love me? Haha. I told you it would be the biggest plot twist! You weren't expecting it were you? Muahahahaha. I loved writing this chapter. What did you think? Leave it in the comments. I don't know what to say, I just really want to hear your guys' feedback. Haha don't kill me!
banner by: astoundedstars

The Bad Boy was Staring at Me
Teen Fiction17 year old, Elena Hawkins thought she was going to be done with boys forever. What Nate Thompson did to her in the fifth grade was unacceptable. She didn't want to deal with heartbreak ever again. Without Nate in the picture anymore, her normal te...