Elena's POV
"Thanks for dinner, Tyler."
I cannot believe he took me to a fancy restaurant! He must be crazy. We were still sweaty from playing football. Plus, I'm not in nice clothes. The workers must think we're two sloppy teenagers.
"No problem, Cutie."
I love when he calls me that. It makes me feel special, like I'm the only one that matters.
That's hilarious. I almost start laughing out loud. He doesn't think of you like that, Elena. You guys are just friends. Just friends. That's all you'll ever be.
The walk to the car is quiet. Neither of us are saying anything. Should I break the ice, what should I say? I already thanked him for dinner.
"I had a lot of fun today, Cutie."
Thank goodness, he broke the silence. It was starting to get awkward. What are you talking about, this whole thing is awkward!
"Me too."
When we get to the car, he opens the door for me to get in. He's so sweet. I don't deserve someone like him. The car ride is also silent. There's not a lot to talk about, and I'm getting sleepy.
I feel a hand trying to grab onto mine. This time, it was my turn to take control. I grab his hand and intertwine our fingers.
Our hands fit perfectly together. He makes everything feel right, everything seem okay. I wish we could stay like this until the end of time because being with Tyler makes me feel wanted. Everything in my life is at peace and there are no worries. It's crazy how one boy can make me feel like this.
The car comes to a complete stop, indicating that we are in the driveway of my house. I told him the directions in the car since he didn't know how to get there. Being the gentleman he is, he walks me to the front of my house to say our goodbyes.
"Thank you," I whisper to him, making sure not to wake my parents up.
"Anything for you, Cutie."
Without realizing it, I pull him into a hug. Resting my head on his chest, I can smell his cologne. It's intoxicating. This is my new favorite scent. Him. He puts his chin on the top of my head. He doesn't say anything. In this moment, it feels like forever.
"Goodnight, Elena." He says as I let go of him.
"Goodnight, Tyler."
The next morning, I arrive to the Tables a little late. Tyler is already here, saving a seat for me. I smile at him, walking up to where he was sitting. Last night was a night to remember.
"Goodmorning," I say to everyone.
"Good morning indeed." Tyler replies, a smirk on his face.
I take the seat next to him and we start talking about nonsense. His jokes are so funny. No doubt, he's the one that can make me laugh like I never have. There are so many sides to this boy.
"You guys should just date already!" I hear Trevor say.
Trevor is a guy who went to the Tables daily. He's a senior. Thank God, he's leaving this year.
Tyler and I become taken aback from his words. If uncomfortable had a scale of one to ten, this would be a thirteen. Scratch that, more like a 23.
"Oh my gosh." I say quietly.
I look back at Tyler. He's rubbing the back of his neck, meaning he's uncomfortable. I don't blame him. This is a sticky situation. Suddenly, Tyler stands up and walks away to sit somewhere else.
Wait, what just happened?
A/N: Hey guys! How'd you guys like this chapter? It was really awkward what Trevor said wasn't it? What if that happened with your crush? Wow, that would be extremely uncomfortable, don't you think?
Anyways, thanks for reading! Have an amazing rest of your day! <3

The Bad Boy was Staring at Me
Teen Fiction17 year old, Elena Hawkins thought she was going to be done with boys forever. What Nate Thompson did to her in the fifth grade was unacceptable. She didn't want to deal with heartbreak ever again. Without Nate in the picture anymore, her normal te...