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I was still utterly shocked by what Shannie told me the other night. She doesn't even know if Christian is the father. That's just her only hope since she knows I'm not.

Christian knows nothing about this either, according to Shannie.

The only person that could cheer me up right now is Kai. I knocked on the door to Tara's house, instantly seeing Kai peer into the window.

"Mommy, daddy's here!" She squealed, running from the window.

The door opened and Kai ran straight into my arms. My smile quickly turned into a frown when I saw Christian come from the kitchen.

"What's he doing here?" I asked Tara.

He chuckled, "Who are you to question my girl about who's in her house?"

"Christian." Tara snapped, obviously not wanting me to know.

I put Kai down and she skipped off to one of the rooms. She must've sensed the tension.

"Your girl?"

"I believe that's what I just said." He smirked. I knew he was intentionally doing this to get under my skin.

"Well does she know that you have a daughter with Shannie?"

"Aubria is yours?" Tara furrowed her eyebrows at him.

"What? I don't have a daughter." Christian looked just as confused as she did.

"Shannie sure does believe she is yours." I shrugged. "You fucked my girl."

"If she was your girl then why was she throwing herself at me at the graduation party?" He laughed like it was the most humorous thing ever.

"So you mean to tell me that she could have your potential child?" Tara asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I used a condom."

"Those things break and you know that." Tara told him.

Was she pregnant by him?


I mentally cursed at myself for letting that slip out. Yes, I was pregnant with Christian's baby last year. But I had a miscarriage before I even started showing so nobody knew but us two.

Luckily, August didn't question me, but I know he will eventually.

"I'm just going to get my daughter and leave." August darted his eyes between me and Christian.

"Your daughter that you've only been taking care of for the past, what, two months? You're a sorry excuse for a father." Christian said.

August got closer to him making me take caution.

"You want to repeat that?"

"You heard me, punk."

August was the first on to throw the punch. They both were sending blow after blow to each other while I was yelling for them to stop.

I managed to get them separated before they killed each other. They glared at each other as they breathed heavily. Both of them got each other good.

"What the fuck is wrong with you two? You realize there is a child in this house." I looked between the both of them.


"Get out. Both of you get out my house." I cut Christian off, not wanting to even look at him anymore.

August was the first one to storm out of the house.

"I'm sorry." He sighed before leaving.


I plopped down in the booth across from August letting out a sigh. He was the last person I wanted to see right now.

Only reason I came was because I can't pass up Chipotle.

"August, what did you call me to come down here for?"

"I wanted to apologize." He began making me roll my eyes.

"You've been doing that a lot lately."

"I know. I keep fucking up and I can't keep letting you hate me."

"I don't hate you." I told him. "I just want you to stop apologizing and doing the same thing repeatedly. I want the August before all of this." I gestured at him.

He shook his head, "That August is long gone."

"You can't be someone that you're not."

"Everyone likes this August."

"That's because nobody has seen who the real August is." I reached over the table and took off his dark sunglasses. There was a nice shiner on his left eye.

He gave me a slight smile.

"Now this is the August I had grown to love."

"I see that love hasn't came back since you have a boyfriend." He mumbled making me frown.

"He's not my boyfriend." I chuckled when his head shot up.


"I know what he said, but he just said that to make you jealous. Christian and I are involved, but not romantically."

"Did you get pregnant by him." He looked at me quizzically.

He just couldn't wait to ask.

I sighed, "Yes, but I had a miscarriage in my third month."

"You want more kids?"

"Maybe. Why do you ask?" I smirked.

"No reason." He said before I felt his hand slide up my bare thigh.

"What do you think you're doing?"

I know exactly what he was doing.

"What does it look like? I'm trying to get in them panties." His hand inched up higher.

"That's cute." I giggled. "I'm not wearing any."

His smile got wider. I pushed his hand away from under my dress making him frown in confusion.

"I'm hungry. I think I'm going to get me some food." I stood up and went to get me a steak burrito bowl.

August was still sitting at the table with a dumbfounded look on his face by the time I sat back down with my food.

"You want some?" I asked, holding my fork up to him.

He sucked his teeth,"You know I don't eat that nasty shit."

"What's wrong? You seem a little upset." I pouted.

"It's fine, T. You want to play that game, fine." He leaned back, putting his hands behind his head.





All three tests were positive. I can't believe I wound up and got myself pregnant again. What am I going to do with another child?

I know it's definitely not August's. I fucked up big time.

I may know the father, but I don't think him or his wife will be happy once they find out.


August and Tara?

Who do you think the father of Shannie's unborn child is?

Excuse mistakes.

He Changed Her |Book 2|Where stories live. Discover now