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Sorry it's such a short chapter and I haven't updated in forever. I really have no excuses cause I'm out of school and I have day to write. Anyways, comment and vote and all that stuff.
Dean's pov

"When does school start?" My sister asked me on morning.

"September 4th." I answered, looking in the fridge for some food.

"That's in 2 weeks." Ariel stated, her eyes going wide. "You're starting high school in 2 weeks."

I grabbed a plate out of the cupboard to put the left over spaghetti we had for dinner last night on.

"It's not a big deal." I reached over to the microwave and put the plate inside, setting it to a minute. "It's just highschool."

"It is not just highschool." Ariel held a hand over her heart. "You're going to be all grown up."

I heard Ariel's voice crack. I turned around slowly, seeing her eyes filling with tears.

"Ari, come on." I ran my fingers through my hair and smiled slightly. "It's grade 9, it doesn't even count."

"It does so count." Ariel argued with me, crossing her arms.

"Grade 11 and 12 are the more important years, grade 9 and 10 don't really matter." I shrugged, looking at the time on the microwave.

"You better not be going into highschool with that attitude!"

I looked over at Ariel who was staring right at me.

"School is important."

"I know schools important." I grabbed my food out of the microwave and moved to the counter. "But grade 9 doesn't really matter."

"Dean look at me."

I looked up from my food and tilted my head.

"You're going to do good in school, even in grade 9 so that you can get a really good job."

I rolled my eyes but nodded.

"I'll get you a new phone if you get all 80s and above this year."

"So now you're bribing me?" I asked, an amused smile on my face.

"Do you want a better phone?" Ariel raised her eyebrows at me.

"Well ya."

"Then get good grades." She leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. "And give me your food."

"No, get your own food." I pushed her away from me, holding the plate of pasta closer to me. "I'm a growing boy I need my food."

"Whatever, you're diminutive." She walked out of the room before I could ask what it meant.

"I don't know what that means so I'm going to ignore you and eat my food!"

In The End (Sequel To Lost It All) [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now