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Alexis gripped my hand tightly, and let out a loud scream, "I can't do this," she cried, and threw her head back. 

"Stop," the doctor exclaimed, "stop pushing." 

I gasped at the pain running through my hand, "what's wrong," I asked the doctor. 

"It hurts," Alexis cried. 

"The baby is stuck," the doctor explained, and got to her feet to pull off the gloves.

 "The fuck you mean the baby is stuck," Alexis leaned up to stare at the doctor, "get it unstuck." 

"We're going to bring you in for a cesarean section," the doctor explained calmly, "there is no need to worry Alexis." 

She left the room, and two of the nurses came over to unlock the wheels on the bed, "Dean," she looked over at me with fear clear in her eyes, "don't leave me." 

"It's gonna be okay," I felt my eyes tear up, and walked beside the bed as they wheeled it out of the room. 

Another nurse walked up to me, and gently placed a hand on my upper arm, "come with me dear." 

"I'll be right back," I whispered to Alexis, and leaned down to kiss her temple. 

I followed the nurse, and she handed me a small pile of light blue scrubs. 

"Change into these, and then I'll bring you to the OR." She left me alone in the tiny room. 

I took a deep breath, and dropped the clothes to the ground. I started to take off my clothes, and put the light blue scrubs on. 

I leaned against the door, and wiped my face, "fuck." 

I opened the door, and walked out. 

"Come on dearie," the nurse placed a hand on my arm, and guided me through the long hallways, "put on these," she handed me a cap to cover my hair, and a face mask. 

I slipped the hat over my head, and tied the mask over my face. 

She pushed the door open for me, and let me walk through. 

The scene behind the OR door was terrifying. 

There were nurses rushing around in pale blue gowns, and trays of sharp tools that were going to cut into Alexis. Alexis was already on the table in the middle of the room, and they were setting up the curtain in front of her face. 

I was sitting beside her head in the next second. 

She had those oxygen tubes in her nose, and needles were stuck into her arms. 

"Dean," she tilted her head sideways, "I'm so sorry." 

"Shh," I tried to calm her down, and stroked her hair, "just get through this," I whispered, "just get through this," I repeated, and kissed her temple. 

"Okay," the doctor stepped up to the table, "let's have a baby." 


"Congratulations," the doctor looked at us over the sheet, "you have a daughter." 

"Hear that Alex?" I couldn't take my eyes off of the baby girl she was holding up, "we have a baby girl." 

Alexis didn't respond. 

"Alexis?" I looked down at her, and freaked out, "Alex?" 

Her eyes were closed, and her skin was turning blue. 

Then the heart monitor spoke up. 

The hospital staff started to rush, and one of the nurses pushed me out of the room. 

I ripped the mask off my face, and fell into the wall. 

Then they rolled my daughter out of the room. 

I followed the cart down the hallways, and stood to the side while they did all the newborn tests. 

One of the nurses was looking into my daughters ears, and stopped. 

"What's wrong?" I asked, just sensing that it was something bad.

"Your daughters ears," the nurse explained, "I'm so sorry, she's deaf." 

In The End (Sequel To Lost It All) [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now