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I changed the cover of this book, and Let You Down. I like these covers a lot better. What do you guys think??? So anyways, enjoy this chapter, it's not that good but meh. I have a lot of ideas for this story but I don't really know how to do it, so I'm just wing it for now. So that's enough ranting from me, just read the chapter.

Dean's pov

"Good luck little brother." Ariel told me, ruffling my hair. "And don't get in trouble on the first day."

"I won't." I pushed her hand away from my head and styled my hair back to where it was before. "Persephone's here, I gotta go."

She kissed my forehead and then pushed me out if the house.

I got into the backseat of the car, smiling at Persephone.

"Hopefully we have some classes together." She was actually bouncing in her seat she was so excited.

I chuckled at her excitement but agreed with her.

This year would be a lot easier if I had someone I know in my classes.

The drive to school was short since we lived pretty close.

I thanked Persephone's older brother for the drive and walked into the building with Persephone by my side.

The teachers guided us to the cafeteria lobby, a big open space with benches and vending machines, where maybe a hundred other kids were gathered.

"It's like herding cattle." Persephone stated, looking at me with a smile on her face. "We're the cattle."

I laughed at her joke and stopped walking, tugging my shirt down a little bit. "What do you think it's like?" I asked.

"My brother told me that it's a lot harder than middle school." Persephone answered me. "And the teachers are much stricter." She still looked excited even though everything she was saying sounded bad.

I was about to answer her when the speaker by our heads crackled to life.

"Please everyone go down to the theatre for orientation."

Everybody moved in a herd, we were stuck in the back of the herd.

In the theatre, we got a seat 3 rows from the back and the two of us talked more about what we thought was going to happen this year.

Everybody quieted down when 4 people walked into the stage, each of them wearing bright yellow shirts.

They introduced themselves as part of the student council but I forgot their names right after they said them.

They talked for a long time about all the clubs we could join and the sports that the school offered.

"Now we're going to you into your ap classes."

"What's ap?" I asked Persephone.

"I don't really know, but I guess we'll find out."

Many people were called up before me, and slowly the theatre got emptier.

"Murray." A male teacher was called. He was pretty tall, with greying hair and tan skin. "Students going with Murray are, George Martin, Persephone Jones, Hunter Wells, Dean Colt and Jaime Daggle."

I stood up with Persephone and walked down the ramp to meet the teacher.

"Everyone here, okay let's go." He guided us through the halls and up a flight of stairs. We turned a corner and walked into a classroom. "Pick a desk."

Persephone and I sat next to each other at the back of the classroom.

The teacher stood at the front of the classroom, his hands on his hips. "I'm Mr Murray, I'll be your ap teacher for the four years of your schooling. This class is 35 minutes and it's for you to do any work that you didn't finish in another class."

"So that's what ap is." Persephone whispered to me, keeping her eyes on the teacher.

"Today is going to be a different than every other day, you'll be going to the gymnasium for a couple of games then it's lunch for an hour and after that, you'll be going to your classes for 20 minutes to meet your teacher, and then after that you'll be coming back here till the last bell rings." He grabbed a stack of papers off of his desk. "This is your schedule, your classes for both semesters are on here." He called out our names and handed out our schedules.

I skimmed my eyes over the piece of paper, trying to figure out how to read the writing on it.

"Do you understand this?" I asked Persephone.

"Ya." She said, pulling my arm so I would show her the schedule. "So this top line is your first semester."

"So I have Science, Math, English, French and Music/art."

"Yep." Persephone nodded. "And we have Math, French and Music/art together."

In The End (Sequel To Lost It All) [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now