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Dean's pov

The results of the assessment came back positive.

I'm dyslexic.

The couple of weeks after that sort of blurred together.

I was still in the same classes but I had a special teacher to help me with the work I was assigned.

Ariel tried to help me at home but she didn't really know how to explain stuff in a way I'd understand.

Persephone was a lot better at helping me, her younger sister was dyslexic so she knew a lot about it.

The two of us were sitting at the kitchen table in my house, doing our homework.

I had stopped listening to what Persephone was telling me and instead started to doodle on the corner of my paper.

It started off as a circle, horns grew out of the top of the circle, large oval eyes were added, and a cat nose with whiskers.


I looked up from my doodle, lifting my pencil from my paper.

"What?" I asked.

"You weren't even listening to me." Persephone sighed. She looked down at my paper and pulled it closer to her. "Dean that amazing." She told me.

"It's nothing." I pulled my binder back to me. "Just a doodle."

"A very good doodle." Ariel had snuck up behind me and was looking at my paper.

"You could be an artist or something." Persephone said, closing her books.

I shrugged, setting my pencil down to the side. "Maybe."


We were learning how to play keyboard in music class.

The theory wasn't that difficult in the start but it got harder for me to understand as we progressed.

My favourite part about that class was actually getting to play on the keyboards.

We had to have headphones so that we could all hear our own work and no one else's.

Persephone was sitting at the keyboard in front of me and was practicing the song that the teacher gave us.

I had started off by trying to play that song but I got off track and started to make up my own melody by ear.

A tap on my shoulder brought my attention to the teacher.

I took out my earbuds and looked up at Ms Hatt, a young teacher that hated giving trouble.

"Can I hear what you've done so far." She gestured towards the sheet music that was set up in front of me.

I stared at the the sheets and looked back up at Ms Hatt, getting ready to tell her that I wasn't actually working on the song she gave us.

"I know Dean." She smiled at me. "I meant what you've made up in your head."

I nodded, taking my headphones out of the jack and turning down the volume on the keyboard.

I played her the song that I had made up and after I was done, my hands fell to my lap.

"Very well done Dean." Ms Hatt told me. "You have natural talent."

"Both my parents were musicians." I looked down in my lap, biting my lip at the thought of them.

"I sure they were great musicians as well."

A second later, the bell rang.

I got up from my stool and packed up my stuff, waiting for Persephone to finish getting all her stuff together so we could wait for the bus together.

Persephone started to complain about how she was home alone until tomorrow night while we walked down the hall.

"Why don't you come over to my house, you're already there half the time anyways." I suggested, stepping around a person that was bent down in the middle of the hall.

"Ya okay." Persephone said. "I have to go to the bathroom first, wait here."

I stood outside the bathroom, scrolling through my phone in an attempt to look busy while everybody walked by me.

"Well well well."

I looked up when a shadow fell over me.

"Look what we have here."

It was Cook.

In The End (Sequel To Lost It All) [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now