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The Friday came back and Louis had now a boyfriend. Niall was glad to have more time to spend on himself and he didn't mind that they hadn't been together all days the last week.

"You can join us if you want?"

Niall shook his head. He didn't feel to expose himself at that disco again and he saw at Louis that it was only friendly question without the will to hear a yes. Louis didn't want that Niall would hang out with them, not this evening.

"It is okay!" he said therefor. "I'm still tired and I need to sleep this weekend."

Louis nodded a little bit.

"I'll call if there's anything?"

Niall just nodded in response. He saw Louis left the apartment and outside stood his boyfriend and waited. Niall smiled a little bit. Actually it was good to be home. He could think and he could relax.

Niall locked the door and he went to the couch. He put on a sports channel and he leaned back. He had lit the lamps in the windows, so that it wouldn't be totally dark around him. He looked around, to see that everything was okay and that was when he saw that business card. It remained at the same place where he had put it last weekend, and he had almost forgotten that incident. Niall frowned. Maybe he should have thrown it, from the beginning, in the trash? He still had no intention of calling Harry. And it felt more right to not call, because Harry was gay.

Niall tried to watch football but all the time his eyes went back to the bedroom and to the bedside table. He frowned. Talk about that something as simple as a small patch got him off balance? He was annoyed at himself, and he chose to leave the couch. He went into the bedroom and quickly he grabbed the card in hand. He then went to the kitchen and the garbage bag, but when he was about to throw it, it was as if he couldn't. It was still a little mean of Niall to do so. Harry had just told him that they could be friends and nothing more. He looked down on the business card and he hesitated. Damn, it felt as if he should call? But he didn't dare. Niall chose to hang it on the fridge and contented he went back to the couch. Now he had at least nothing as disturbed his evening from the couch. He sat down and he took a deep breath. Yet his thoughts went back to Harry. Harry was nice and he had a way that was friendly. Niall smiled a little bit when he came to think of Harry's questions. "Are you sure you're not gay?" Niall laughed a little. Yes, he was now sure about that, and he didn't want to be more different from what he was.

It was after nine in the evening, when there was a knock on the door. He become surprised and he looked away towards the hall. It knocked again. Niall turned down the sound on the TV and he stood up. Maybe that Louis again had realized that he had chosen the wrong guy? It wouldn't surprise Niall if Louis now was sad and devastated at being alone again. Niall went out in the hall and he locked up, then he opened the door, and he dropped his chin. It wasn't Louis! It was Harry!


Harry's voice was dark and kind and he smiled apologetically. Niall didn't know what to say. What he remembered he hadn't told him about where he lived, and so far hadn't he made that call to Harry yet...

"Louis said you were home." he declared hoarsely. Niall swallowed and he quickly realized that it would be indelicate to not let him in.

"Have you talked to him?"

Harry laughed a little bit embarrassed.

"Yes, he was down at the disco and I asked him where you were."

Niall felt his pulse was changed and the stomach tingled. Again: His body seemed to live a life of its own when Harry showed up. He took a step to the side, so he could let him in. Harry hesitated.

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