28 Love - true love

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"This is crazy!"

Harry raised his eyebrows.


Niall giggled. He took his arms around Harry's naked body and he looked straight into his eyes.

"This, between us ... it's just crazy."

Harry laughed and kissed him softly. They were in a tent, far away from the people and it was just the two of them there. It was in the middle of the night and they had made love for hours before they realized they were exhausted, but still couldn't fall asleep.

"So what shall we do about it?" Harry mumbled hoarsely. He couldn't help himself but to give Niall small kisses on the cheek and neck. "Tell me what to do about it."

Niall laughed.

"You can't do nothing, I guess?" he whispered hoarsely. "I just think it's too perfect to be true."

Harry buried his nose against Nialls shoulder and he moaned a little.

"Too perfect?"

Niall nodded.

"Yes, I feel so much for you that it makes me crazy all over and now I am yours forever."

Harry raised his head and he looked into the Irishman's blue eyes.

"I feel so much for you back." he whispered. "I've never felt like this for a single person before, and maybe that's why I want us to fast to proceed and do all that things as we have to do?"

Niall caught up Harry's face between his hands. He smiled at him and he looked into the green eyes.

"Shall we get married in the church?"

Harry laughed.

"I had planned that we would plan that part together." He then raised his eyebrows. "But if you want my opinion, it doesn't matter. Just you say yes."

Niall smiled big.

"And whose family name should we take?"

Harry put his head askew.

"Why not Styles Horan or maybe vice versa?"

Niall laughed.

"Do you mean..."

Harry kissed him quickly.

"Horan Styles, that sounds good. First you, then me. All the time you first."

Niall laughed. He felt Harry parted his legs and he felt how that hard part landed down there. Direct Niall screamed almost straight out.

"I can't cope with more."

Harry grinned and he put an elbow on each side of Nialls shoulders.

"A little?"

Niall just frowned.

"No!" he muttered hoarsely, but when he felt Harry penetrated, he was quick to change his mind. "A quickie then?"

Harry groaned and he slid all the way. Then he stopped and he rolled easily on the hip.

"This has nothing to do with sex." he whispered hoarsely, and kissed Nialls lips. "I want to be near you and now I'm so close to you as I can get."

Niall took his legs around his waist and let his hands glide over his back.

"You are always close to me."

Harry groaned a little and he kissed Niall again.

"But now I am inside you, it's closer."

Niall closed his eyes when Harry slowly began to bring the hips back and forth. Harry took his hands around Nialls head and held him. They groaned quietly.

"Oh, you're so tight."

Niall opened his eyes and he let his legs slide up a little higher.

"I am?"

Harry groaned and he nodded.

"So prefect!" he murmured foggy and he slowly began to increase the speed. "I can do this forever, be inside you, all this with you."


The sun was high in the sky when Niall awoke. The sleeping bags were in a corner of the tent and the clothes lay scattered around them and crumpled around the mattress. Niall turned his head and smiled at Harry. Yes, the happiness was complete. He raised his hand and he watched the ring carefully. It was beautiful even though it was simple. It was a gold ring and it was the proof that it would hold forever between them.

Niall slipped out of the tent and stood up naked. They were in a meadow and all he saw was the nature. He stretched his body and he wasn't ashamed to be naked. It was as if there were only two people left on the earth and that was Harry and Niall.

"Come back in!"

Harry's voice echoed almost between the trees. Niall laughed.

"I need air."

Harry snorted.

"Come in and join me. You have air in here."

Niall turned around and he chose to obey. He crawled back into the tent and immediately pulled Harry him down over him, so that Niall landed on top of Harry.

"Niall Come and show me everything."

Niall groaned and he felt Harry's arms slide around his back.

"But I want to put on my clothes and go out."

Harry spread his legs so that Niall was between them.

"Can we do that later."

I once again ended Niall into the fog. They couldn't get enough of each other and it was as if nothing else mattered. It was a Infinite history.

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