15 to tell

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"Do you understand how simple it is?" Harry asked as soon as they were alone again. Niall blushed a little bit.

"My mom called today." he whispered uncertainly. "I'm honest when I say I didn't want to tell her about it all, because she already has low thoughts about Louis."

Harry frowned. He looked thoughtfully at Niall and then he was leading against the wall.

"Niall, you promised to try."

Niall looked down on the floor and he was ashamed.

"I know, but it's hard when your mom aren't like my mom."

Harry didn't think it was a problem.

"You will always be her son, whatever happens. She just can't stop loving you just because you choose a guy?"

Niall had a different opinion.

"She looks forward to have grandchildren, and she looks forward to all the things as my brother has already done. She plans for that her son will be married in the church and have a normal life."

Harry got up a smile. He reached out his hand and pulled quickly Niall into his arms.

"We can get all that." he whispered softly. "There are guys who get married in the church and there are those who in any possible way having children together."

Niall put his head against his shoulder and hugged him back.

"But she..."

Harry interrupted Niall.

"No, you can't think like that." he whispered on. "I'll make sure you get the life she want you to have, but together with me."

Niall raised his head and looked at Harry.

"Why do you get it all to sound so easy?" he asked uncertainly. "When I'm with you, it is as if I have an answer for everything, and when you're not with me, I don't even dare to think."

Harry laughed a little bit.

"Niall, that's called true love."

Niall frowned.

"But I've never before even been close to feel things for a guy."

Harry had no problems with that. He pulled a hand through Nialls hair and put his head slightly askew.

"Because this is the point." he replied. "You went to a place as you considered odd, you met me and it later become all this. It's fate."

Niall nodded a little bit.


Harry gave him a kiss on the lips.

"Stop to think Niall!"


Louis sat on the sofa and he smiled big.

"OK, tell me then?"

Niall stood in the middle of the floor and he was nervous. He pulled the sweater down and he avoided looking at him.

"Well, I have one thing to tell you and you might..." he cleared his throat. "I just have to dare, but it's like that.... I..."

Louis raised his eyebrows in surprise, and he even seemed surprised at how it all seemed to be uncertain.


Niall blushed and he looked down at the floor. He tried to gather courage and he tried to retain what little peace he had left inside him.

"Well, I have a few weeks realized that I'm bisexual."

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