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In the park there was a restaurant and over there, it was now up succumbed to all the guests. It was outdoors and small lights hanging over the tables and lit up the aria when the sun began to go down. Niall saw that there was a DJ and he was almost surprised how much that was done.

"I have contacts." Harry whispered happily to him. "I let Bobby and Maura manage to get this place and I called for a DJ and for the food."

Niall chose to just smile. He sensed that this was done with love. They slipped in among all the people and greeted everyone. Niall felt a little silly because all belonged to Harry's family, but he was grateful when he came to his own parents. Both Maura and Bobby hugged them.

"I'm happy." Maura muttered hoarsely, and she looked at both of them with tears in her eyes. "I admit, I was really wrong. I see how right it is that you two should be together."

Niall sat next to Harry and they ate the food. In the background played the DJ soft music that suited for a dinner. Niall looked over all the heads, and he saw only smiles. Everyone ate and everyone laughed and talked and seemed to like it all. It was as if everyone was there just because it was a happy day. He then looked down at the ring and he smiled a little bit. Yes, now wasn't Niall just a lonely guy, he was somebody. Niall was Niall James Horan Styles and he belonged to Harry.

"Is it okey?"

Harry's voice made Niall to look up and he smiled big.


Harry smiled and then he kissed Niall lightly on the cheek before he took a spoon and banged against the glass. Then he stood up to make a speech.

"I want to thank everyone who came here today." He smiled big. "And who wanted to see how we said yes to one question." 

Harry then looked down at Niall and his smile got bigger. 

"Today, I finally got the man I want and he said Yes to the question. Niall is all that matters to me." He looked out over all the others again. "I know we chose to get married unplanned, but I think it show you how Niall and I are together. We hadn't planned to fall in love or even end up here. I met him when he didn't even know if he liked guys . I met him when he resisted, but slowly he realized too, that we belong together, we fit together."

Harry looked at Niall again.

"You are my everything, and I give you everything I own. We have secrets together, but at the same time we are open with who we are. I love you Niall James Horan Styles and I will do everything in my power so that you remain happy."

Niall had tears in his eyes. Harry took his hand and he looked straight into Nialls eyes.

"We fit!" he continued hoarsely. "We are like made for each other."

They withdrew a few tables so that it became a small dance floor. Harry took Nialls hand and they landed in the middle of the floor. The DJ played a quiet song and immediately Harry pulled Niall into his arms. One hand around Nialls waist and one hand holding his right hand. Niall took his one hand Harry's shoulder and he caught up the other hand. They looked into each other's eyes and slowly they began to move to the music. This was their first dance together as a married couple. It was this moment that they both really felt this would last forever.

One long wonderful dream. Niall felt totally calm throughout the body. He felt total harmony and he just smiled. A cake was rolled up on a table. It was custom-made and at the cake was a picture when Harry and Niall was standing close against each other. Niall hadn't seen the photo before, and Harry laughed.

"My mother happened to catch us on a photo and I liked it."

They went up to the cake. All photographed them and everyone cheered. Niall blushed and they both grabbed the shovel the same time. They cut up a piece and put it on a plate. Harry laughed a little when he caught up a little cake on a spoon and took it towards Nialls lips. Niall blushed, but he opened the mouth and he let the spoon slip in.

"I feel almost as if we have sex!" Harry joked and he said the words so only Niall heard. Niall sucked the spoon as it slid out and he laughed a little.

"Maybe something we can do tonight?"

Harry groaned and he nodded.

"Just this night, you totally mine and I intend to do everything with you."

Niall cleared his throat so that Harry realized they weren't alone.

"We'll talk about it later."

Harry took Nialls hand and they left the guests. Silent they went through the park and Niall was tense.

"And where are we going now?"

Harry smiled at him.

"Niall, you must learn not to ask questions."

Niall frowned and he chose to follow. They came out in the middle of the park and Niall saw a helicopter. It stood in the middle of the park and Niall sensed that this was where they would go. Harry smiled at him.

"Are you afraid of heights?"

Niall shook his head, and he swallowed.

"Have you ordered a helicopter?"

Harry nodded happily.

"I wanted to do something different with you."

It was night and they flew over London. Niall looked with wide eyes down over the ground, how the lights were like little stars, and all down there had no idea that Niall looked down on them. They flew to the end of London and landed on a field. Harry really had planned it all. On the field stood a private aircraft and waited. Niall got big eyes, but he chose to just go along. Harry seemed happy that everything went as planned.

"Which country?" Niall was still had to ask. Harry laughed a little and he let Niall enter the flight first.

"Wait and see. First we'll join the 10,000 meters club."

Niall gasped.


Harry leaned his face against Nialls ear.

"Yes, we'll fuck."


Harry nodded happily.

"When we reach the right height, we will make love in the middle of the floor and no one will see us. It's just us and an airline captain. No one will ever know, but we will do it hard."

The end

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