You Surprised Me

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Your POV

I was in class listening to the only loudest assassin here at the DWMA. "YAHOO I AM THE ALMIGHTY BLACKSTAR I WILL SURPASS GOD." he said. I rolled my eyes and looked at my professor. He smirked and reached into his pocket. His arm came out showing a shiny metal object in his hand. "Shut it." I said and threw it at BlackStar. It but a piece of his hair and I covered my face. I smiled and laughed a little. He looked at me and I stopped. "YOU DARE LAUGH AT YOUR GOD?" he asked. I burst out laughing and smiled. "THEN CHALLENGE ME." he said. I stood and we walked to the floor of the room. 

I was still chuckiling when he took his pose. "Umm Professor...wouldn't you rather have them fight outside?" Maka asked. He sighed and turned his screw. "hmmm Yeah probably." he said and kicked off his desk going to of the room and falling on the bottom of the door.

I smiled and we walked out. When we were outside everyone went over to the stairs and sat. They looked at us and Tsubaki looked worried. "BlackStar don't." she said. he smiled. "I NEED TO TEACH HER A LESSON." he said. I rolled my eyes and he ran at me. I moved and he tripped. I smiled and picked him up. "My turn." I said and drop kicked him. He flew away and I covered my eyes to see. He fell to the ground with a loud thud and made an indentation on the ground. he stood up and looked at me. "YOU'RE GOOD BUT NOT AS GOOD AS ME." he said. 

He ran at me and tried to use his soul wavelength. I grabbed his hand and sent a shock wave from my soul. I looked at the rest of the class. They were amazed and Stein was turning his screw. "Looks like i've caught the attention of the best meister to graduate." I thought. I turned his wrist and he fell to his knees. "Damn that hurts." he said. I nodded and looked at him. "it's a pressure point..idiot." I said and dropped him. I sat down and watched as he held his wrist. 

He sighed and stood. "HOW DARE YOU BEAT ME." he said. Someone stepped between us. "Soul Force." I looked and it was Stein. He stood up straight and looked at me. "I would like to see you after class." he said and I nodded. Tsubaki ran over to BlackStar and sighed. We walked back into class and resumed the lesson. 

-After Class- 

The bell had rang and I remained in my seat. "Would you like to come over for dinner sometime this week...let's say on Friday?" Maka asked. I smiled and looked at her. "Yeah sounds like fun..what time?" I asked. She smiled and Soul smirked. "About 8:00." she said. I nodded and we waved. they walked out and I heard Stein sigh. He looked at me and motioned for me to walk over. 

I stood up and put my hands in my hoodie pockets. He looked at me and smirked. "You surprised me today." he said and I looked at him confused. "What do you mean?" I asked. He let the glare cover his eyes on his glasses. "You took on BlackStar and weren't to intimidated by him....and managed to deflect his Soul Wavelength." he said. I looked down and smiled. "It's something I learned to do because you can." I said and he smirked. "Bet you never tried against this." he said and grabbed my wrist. He pushed me on the cold table. 

I looked at him and he threw a scalpel at the light switch. "For sometime I've tried to read your's one of the hardest to read." he said. "Is that a problem?" I asked. "Oh not for me...but for makes me want to dissect you more." he said. He shoved a needle into my arm and smiled. I felt tingly and he looked at me. "Good night..(y/n)." and I blacked out. 

-Later That Night- 

I woke up still on the table in his room. I heard the sound of typing in the next room. I sat up and groaned holding my head. I heard the typing stop. I looked up and heard a crash. I looked over and sat Stein on his back with the chair on him. He looked at me and stood. "Glad to see you're awake." he said. He sat in his chair and pushed himself over. "How long was I out and what did you do?" I asked. He smirked and looked at my chest. I looked down and sat a stitch that went from the top of my left breast between my cleavage and down under the right one. 

 Fifty Shades of Stein (Stein xreader Lemons) ❤️Where stories live. Discover now