What Is...Anal

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Your pov

I sighed as I watched the rest of my classmates study,  work on homework,  or even taking a nap,  and if you were Ox or Maka then you'd be on next week's work. 

Sometimes I hate people like that.  But sometimes I am like that but whatever. I only am that way because I moved from my old school.  So I'm an outcast (true story). So instead of getting out there and talking.  I'm being a nerd.  But that is the story of my life. 

I get great grades now. Especially in Biology.  I just love the class.  And the teacher for that matter.  Is that bad?  Probably.  I lean back and tap my pencil slightly as I look at a question.

What is one of Professor Stein's quotes?

I smirk as I think of one and write it down. 

Some people are born with madness... Others have it thrusted upon them. 

I don't understand it myself.  But for some reason that is my favorite quote  he has.  I look over as Maka is getting a bit frustrated with a question.  I chuckle ad I hear the bell ring and she leaves with her weapon. 

"What is it that is so amusing (y/n)? " I hear.  I turn to see the professor looking at me his head tilted.  I smile and step down the stairs towards him.  "If you simply must know... Maka Albarn looked to be having trouble with a question... And I found it quite amusing. " I said still chuckling s little.  He smiled and nodded.

"I believe you've been in my class for too long... I'm starting to rub off on you. " he said.  I blushed lightly and nodded.  "It's the madness speaking professor. "I said looking down. 

I heard him turn towards me.  "You've been blessed with it as well? "He asked pushing toward me a little.  I nodded "Were you born with it or was it thruster upon you? " he asked.

"I was born with it Sir. " I said.  He nodded and looked me up and down.  "You don't appear as if you have it. " he said.  "I have learned to cope with it... But every once in a while it releases itself... It just depends on the day and what memory triggers it. " I said. 

He nodded understandingly.  "You should get home before your parents start to worry. " he said.  I looked at him before nodding with a small smile.  I bid him good day and ran out of the class.  I cannot let him know about my family.  And what I had done to them.  I took a breath to subside the thought and started walking down the corridor. 

I left the school and was met with the crisp winter air.  I breathed in the air with a sigh.  I smiled as I let it surround me.  I walked home and heard some screaming.  Being the only weapon and person in the area I ran towards it dropping my bag in the process. 

I stopped when I saw a kishin standing over a small group of kids.  I turned my arm into my blade and smirked.  "I need you to stay as still as possible alright? " I said and the kids nodded huddling farther into the corner. 
The kishin turned to me and its mouth fell open showing it's long sickly green tongue.  I smirked.  "MoRe poWeR. " it said before it jumped at me. 

I dove from it's clawed hand and rolled.  I nodded when I watched the kids run off.  I turned when a hand was slashed at me and knocked me into a wall.  I slid down it and groaned. 

"Soul force! " I heard.  I looked up to see a white blur hit the kishin then  yellow electricity shooting around and the kishin flying back.  I looked to see the professor.  He jogged to me and held out his hand.  "I need you to transform. " he said.  Without a moment to lose I did and gave him my hand. 

He pulled me up as I changed. He spun me around and we smirked as we jumped at it.  "We'll enjoy dissecting you!" I said.  He chuckled and made quick work of the kishin. 

 Fifty Shades of Stein (Stein xreader Lemons) ❤️Where stories live. Discover now