Chapter 37

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Double life Chapter 37

Skylar Pov

I opened my lungs and tried to inhale as much air as I could, knowing that one I entered the room, there was a great possibility that I would hold in my breath for the rest of the lesson. I was about to step into my literature class. The only class I have together with Megan ... We would be working on our project again and I am really not ready to face her again. Other than the fear of facing her, I haven't had any problems at school. Tiffany glared at me, a lot but I think that was pretty normal. I've been away from school fro about a week but I haven't really missed a lot. I'm a few months ahead of everyone else so I still don't need to worry about anything. I just needed to take care of a note for the administration to say I was in fact sick and everything was settled. I just had to use the fake signature I always used.

A side of that I am still afraid of literature class. They haven't been working on it as we got for 3 weeks, 1 lesson each week. I missed one lesson where we could prepare but as Connor was with me, I don't really think Megan did a lot. I really hope everything would run smooth, and with that I mean that she would ignore me and I would just look down and say nothing. That would probably be the best outcome.

'It'll all be alright ' Connor whispered in my ear while pushing me slightly forward setting my body in motion to go to my usual seat. Megan was already there and the second I saw the back of her head I was glad that Connor was holding me. I already felt my knees already buckle.. Why was I even so weak. I never used to care about stuff like that.

But when I looked at her she was actually looking happy, as always. I miss her ... Well I miss the rest as well but she's more special. She was the one to notice me and to have the guts to come up to me. Cara and Demi were sweet but I didn't feel that bond with them as I had with Megan. That might sound weird but they didn't seem as if they cared if I was there or not.

I sat down in my usual seat next to her and started my silent treatment. The teacher said her thing before we could go and work in our signed groups. ' You still have today to brainstorm and write something down for what you're preparing and I want everything by next week the last lesson. En travail ! ' She smiled at us and floated away in her own little world.

' So, ' Connor broke the silence that streamed between us, ' What's the plan? ' I hadn't made any eye contact with her yet and I wasn't planning on doing so very soon. It's just for the best if I act this out.

'Skylar? ' I heard a feminine voice, ' Please look at me, I just want to talk ' Megan pleaded. Why is she the one trying to contact me? If I recall, she was the one furious at me. I still couldn't look her in the eyes... I was afraid of what exactly I would encounter .... Hate.

'Don't you hate me?' I asked fidgeting with the hem of my shirt. What would she possibly want to say to me? Let's just hope she won't start shouting in front of the whole class.

' I don't hate you, and neither do the girls. We were mad because we swore to each other that we wouldn't keep any major secrets. Remember the library? We swore and you lied to my face apparently. ' She cussed me out. Yet she started that sentence so beautifully. Too bad though. She was kind but still had some lingering feelings, painful ones. I did finally found the strength to properly look at her. Her eyes told me exactly how she was feeling, hurt but relieved.

' Do you still want to be my friend? ' I asked her full of disbelief. I lied, she can never trust me again as I will never ever in my life will trust Jake again. But still deep inside I wanted her to say yes and to hug me. To ensure me that everything would be alright and that I hadn't lost my first and only group of friends. I really did miss her.

' Of course we still want to be friends with you. We were just a little hurt but if you promise me that you'll never lie again and that you'll explain the whole situation to us.' I would gladly pay such a small fee to what I had done to her. I can't believe she'd ever trust me again ... Nevertheless I am very grateful to have such a forgiving friend.

' I'm so sorry Megan ... ' I said looking sad at her. I really didn't want to hurt anybody. I just wanted to keep my secret, my pride safe. ' I didn't think it would hurt you, I was so selfish and only protected my secret instead of your hearts. I am so very sorry and I hope you'll ever forgive me.' I spoke sincere to her. It was in fact the only thing I could do to ease her pain. But she was already laughing at me.

' Don't be silly, everything's fine now. We all had some time to think and our conclusion is that we were a little harsh on you. We didn't think about your feelings and motives too... That makes us guilty in the matter as well.' She explained while pulling me into a tight hug. One that I'd been longing to get...

' I promise I will explain everything to you -' She cut me off...

' Fine, but we can't forget prom..It's this Saturday. ' She squealed.

Of course that is something she wouldn't forget. 'We'll go dress shopping this Wednesday. ' I told her easing her mind and stopping her forming a plan to get me there because I was going willingly. We started discussing everything, completely forgetting about the project.. And Connor for that matter. That is until he decided to drop a bomb on me.

' Skylar, would you go to prom with me?'


Hello beautiful people, the next chapter will be the last one ... Maybe I'll write an epilogue but I'm not really sure yet.

MY FINALS ARE STARTING so I won't be able to write for about a month, but that's why I gave you the almost final chapter right now ;)

Have fun, well I hope so.

Xx- axellesmet

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