Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

© axellesmet 2014

All rights including those in copyright in the content of this story are owned by axellesmet. It's illegal to steal and/or copy.


-------->>> picture on the side is GABE

Chapter 6

' Guys, guys , you're driving me crazy, I don't know what happened to her but I know she'll be just fine when she wakes up. She might have a minor concussion and trouble walking but rather than that she'll be okay. ' A velvet sweet voice said.

Wait, where is this coming from? All I can see is black.

' When will she wake up? ' I know this voice! It's Gabe!

But why is he here? And where is this here?

' Anytime soon now, she didn't slip into a coma. Just a long pass-out. Can someone tell me what happened to her? ' The velvet voice again.

What in the world is going on here?

' She got into a fight. ' A new voice said. I know it too. It's Carter but not quite Carter. he doesn't sound as happy as he usually is. I heard footsteps fading away and people shuffling around.

' You don't have to stay here, mate. You don't really know her and you've been here all this time. Does she even know you?' Gabe said, apparently addressing two o more boys in the room. All I know is that there is a nurse, Gabe, Carter and a few mystery guys I may or may not know.

' No, we want to stay, I know her and she surely knows me, I need to talk to her but I'm just not sure if she'll be happy to see me.' An oddly familiar voice stated. I can't quite place who it belongs to so I decided to listen into them a bit.

' What do you mean? '

' I know her but we're not exactly associated as friends, even though I might want to be.'

Okay, now I want to know who this guys is! I tried to open my eyes and move my arms at the same time and to my surprise, I could. Mostly in those books you read that they try to open their eyes and it doesn't work for the first time and then when they try it a second time it worked immediately. Well I wasn't like that.

When I lifted my eyelids I was greeted by a white light. too white.


I blinked a few times so my pupils could adjust to the bright light and lifted my head to sit up a bit. I could feel the stinging pain in my chest but I wasn't about to wince or hiss. Nah, that would be acting like a baby. Beside me were all the guys I know and cared for with bags under their eyes. My gang were all together huddled up on the couch. How all 4 of them fitted on a two person couch-without being on each other laps- I have no clue. They all looked extremely tired, how long have I been here?

Gabe was standing with his back to me, talking to a mystery guy who probably was leaning against the wall. Next to him was ... Jason? Jason from history class?

What is he doing here? I definitely didn't see this coming ...

I sat up and touched my face, checking for damage. My cheek was swollen and I'm sure it looked yellow or purple.


With that first word leaving my mouth, everyone snapped their heads up at me.

Gabe and Carter were the first ones to stand beside the bed and ... you know, be worried.

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