chapter 22

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© axellesmet 2014

All rights including those in copyright in the content of this story are owned by axellesmet. It's illegal to steal and/or copy.



Chapter  22


Megan left and I don't think she'll be coming back any time soon. I lost my only friend. The other two didn't really care about me. But Megan ... she really cared. She was the only one who helped me when I had no friends, the only one who was actually interested in who I was. Too bad I fucked it all up by not telling her my secret. And why didn't I ? I mean , Connor knows, why couldn't I just tell her too.

I'm supposed to trust her right? She's my friend and friends are supposed to know everything about each other right? I'm so bad at things like this ... I don't even know how to make and keep friends. What is a friend even, I don't know how to act around them. I'm so stupid ...

The late bell rang and I was definitely not in the mood to go class but unfortunately, I have to. I took my books out of my locker and went to class. My plan was just to keep being invisible but the other students clearly had something else in mind...

I opened the door and three fourth of the class stood up and started ... clapping?

' Go Skylar !!! ' Some jock called out. I didn't smile, I didn't do anything. Just went to my regular place in the back. The teacher had to call some order to let everyone settle down. The only one not standing were Tiffany and her friends. She was huffing and puffing in annoyance.

' Why do you even care, she's just some dirty loser. ' She said. I couldn't care less about any of them, I care about Megan.  And she's gone.

The rest of the lesson went by the same as normal apart from the dirty stares I got from Tiffany and the occasional stare of some people. They just can't believe I'm the same person  in both pictures. I know I kind of lied for 5 years but still, what's the point. They don't care anyway.

Lunch finally came by and I was dying to see Conner, I needed to know what to do with Megan and I really need advice on how to be a friend.  But just as I was rounding the corner to go to his locker I saw Tiffany and him exchanging saliva. She's kissing him, the boy I might like... the boy that has been annoying me for weeks and the boy who was the first one to know my secret. The guy who saved me from getting ràped. He was kissing the one who was responsible for revealing my secret.

I hate her.

I hate him.

I hate everything.

The rage was building up in me and in the spur of the moment I punched the lockers, making a huge dent in it. of course everyone was staring at me and even Conner was now looking at me. While I was still livid, he had fear in his eyes. He should be fucking scared.

' He's mine bitch ! ' Tiffany yelled probably with her smug stupid face, while I was walking away.

She wants the real me, than she'll get it.


Every time I plan on getting to know Skylar more, it's a step back. She just makes herself more of a mystery. She parked her car a few streets away, got out and started walking immediately. She probably heard my car door shut because she locked it right after I got out. She walked a few meters in front of me and when she walked into the school everyone was staring at her ... I couldn't really talk to her much at school so I went to the football court where my mates were at.

I was going to ask Skylar about that later, now I was just going to take her off my mind and join my mates

... if I can.


Turns out that I couldn't. through all of my classes she was the only thing I could think about. How can one girl be so captivating ...

Lunchtime came by and I had to quickly go to my locker while my friends already went to the cafeteria.

Someone slammed my locker shut and by the look at the manicured hands I knew there was only one girl bold enough to do something like this. Tiffany.

' Hey Connor, did you hear the news about that little nerd you seem to have taken an interest to? She lied for more than 5 years to us, and no one knew. Sad right ? ' She asked while putting her hand on my chest.

' Well maybe she had a really good reason to lie ... you never know right. ' I was wondering if I was saying this to convince Tiffany, .. or myself ?

' But that doesn't change anything. She still lied. ' ..

'Yeah , but why care now? You never cared about her before and everyone left her alone, why is it such a problem now? ' It's true, before I came into her life everything was fine.

' Because don't you see? She's trying to take you away from me and she's planning on breaking s up. ' what ?

' We're not dating...' I said to her, why can't she just get it in that thick skull of hers that I'm not dating her.

More... I like Skylar..

' Maybe not now Connor ... but we will be. Don't you miss this ? ' She said and slammed her lips against mine. Not wanted at all ... but it was too late. I heard a loud bang and looked at Skylar. This looks so wrong ... and she probably just got here .. that explains why she looks so mad. She was rapidly turning around and walking .. more like running away.

' He's mine bitch ! ' I heard Tiffany yell at her but she was already pretty far away. I felt the rage building up inside me. Tiffany forced herself on me resulting in the girl I very much like thinking I'm hooking up with the school's bitch.

' This is your fault !' I yelled at Tiffany, ' How could you? When are you finally going to learn that I.don' , I don't want you nor will I ever want or like you. It's not up to you to choose with who I can and cannot hang. I want you to stay away from me, FOREVER. ' I yelled even harder. If I go now, maybe I can still catch Sky before she's gone.

' But baby, are you breaking up with me?' Tiffany almost sobbed with a stupid pink tissue in her hand.

' We never really dated.' I threw at her and left. The tears were fake because she went from sad to super mad in barely a second.

' You're going to regret this Connor fùcking Black ! ' She yelled back to me but there was only one appropriate answer to that.

' Wanna bet ? '


Hehey, sorry for the slow updates but I've just been so busy lately ...  

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