Chapter 3

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© axellesmet 2014

All rights including those in copyright in the content of this story are owned by axellesmet. It's illegal to steal and/or copy.


picture of Connor on the side

Chapter 2

My life
You electrify my life
Let's conspire to reignite
All the souls that would die just to feel alive

I'll never let you go
If you promise not to fade away
Never fade away

As the middle of my favorite song of Muse started to come I finally picked up the phone. I put in on speaker as I just woke up and had no patience to hold it against my ear or even check the caller-ID.

' Hey thur, gurlè...' Jake slurred. So not a normal Jake, drunk Jake.

' J what the hell is wrong with you. ' I hissed at him. I wasn't mad at him...... yet, just worried as he was drunk somewhere unknown with a racecar. The phone was handed over to someone else.

' Sky, can you come pick Jake, Ryan and Carter up ? I'm with my BMW HP4 ( motorcycle ) so I can't take them home right now.' Great, now I have to pick up 3 drunk guys at 5 AM while I need to be sleeping. The day couldn't have started off better. ( note the sarcasm )

' Okay I'll be there in 10 just text me the address. ' I sighed .

' Great , thanks Sky I owe you one. ' I yawned, ' Yeah, yeah just make sure nothing happens to them until I get there got it ? ' I was way beyond worried right now and way too tired to drive safely.

Carter is too carefree when he's drunk, Jake is loud and gets a lot of attention because of that and Ryan sleeps everywhere. The problem is that we have a lot of enemies and at times like this they take advantage to take one of us and to blackmail us.

A fair amount of gangs have asked me to join them because they want someone with my reputation in their gang but I always refuse. I could never leave my boys. But some of the gangs had turned against me because I wouldn't join them and made it their mission to get me with them.

Gangs like Riley's

' Got it, now hurry up Sky, they're like ants, you look at one when then a second later the others gone. ' I didn't answer him, I just got up from the couch where I had fallen asleep yesterday and put the rest of the pizza in the fridge.

I rushed upstairs and got dressed into my usual leather pants, white top, leather jacket and combat boots and did my hair in a high ponytail. I grabbed my phone and my keys from the bowl next to the door and locked it. I opened the door of my Chevrolet and got in the driver seat. Once the key was in the ignition I reversed out of the driveway while checking my phone for their location.

A few minutes later I arrived at the place where Justin had sent me to. Cars were parked everywhere, people were shattered around the neighborhood and there was music still blasting from one house in particular .It made it hard to find my guys.

I sighed, I knew that they went partying and gave myself a mental pat on the back, proud that I didn't end up like this which probably would've happened if I went partying with the boys. I called Justin again telling him that I was waiting for him at the corner of the street and he better hurry up.

After 3 songs of Greenday I heard a knock on the glass of my car and saw Justin with a sheepish smile on his face and three drunk boys making funny faces behind him. I got out and helped him put them in my car and buckle them in, much to their protest.

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