Chapter Eleven

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Krey's POV

I scream out in extreme pain something is running across my arm slicing the skin. It felt like it was peeling back off the bone. I begged for it to stop crying and sobbing at the same time, and the pain did stop to my crys. My eyes are so filled with water I can barley see anything, I blink away the tears.

"Finally awake Krey I didnt think you were any time soon so I decied to give you a little incentive to wake up, I mena I did let you sleep for three days I am a patient man to some respect." That voice it was that guy damn him. I strain agasint the cuff and chains that bind me but soon find out that its sliver and I am not moving.

"You better let me go it would be better for your healt if you let me go now. I mean you dont want to packs coming down on you at once. But I promise you that you'll die." My voice was cold and emotionless I was in pain but I wasnt going to give him the satifaction of seeing me like that anymore than he already had.

"I dont think you understand whats going to happen. If your mate doesnt want to stuffed full of sliver than he wouldnt attack me not now." That sent a deadly chill threw my body and I growl, my teeth sharping as my wolf fought agasint me wanting to shift but we were unable, too much sliver around me at the moment.

"You wouldnt do that, not when if you kill me they will rain down hell on you without mercy." I say not starttled by his comment in the least if anything I was more worried about what would happen if Avery didnt get down here. I could tell that I was in a camp full of rouge wolf and that wasnt a good postion to be in.

"Now that would be fun because I am already damned without my mate what would it matter to me?" He sounded like a deadman ready to die snice he had nothing to live for, I whimper thinking about what Avery would feel it I was killed, maybe he would look the same as the guy in front of me.

He must think I whimpered beacuse of his statement and beacuse he smiles at me and grabes my face, inhaling my scent and I jerk my head away from his hand not wanting him to touch me. I just notices that I wasnt naked that was a plus side.

"You smell so good. I think I might devour you." His eyes start to darken lust and hate filling them, and I shake no he wouldnt take me. Dont be so stuipe he would take me if he wanted to and right now I think that it was a good postiblty that he planed.

I pull asgasint the chains but they wouldnt break I dont care being in here with him anylonger and I was done for. I jerk when he presses my side my ribs were almosted healed but not compeltely, he puts presasure on them and I bite my lip to keep from screaming in pain.

K... Kre... KREY

My eyes flash open when I hear Avery over the mindlink.

Help. He's going to take me... Avery.

That was all I manged before a knife is inscreted into my arm I scream then trying to get it out of my arm but its in deep pinning me to the table that I was chained to. Tears blindly rolled out of my eyes and I just wanted to die.

"Are you taking to your mate, that good I want him to feel your pain as I take you from him." He sounded sick and I sucked in my sobs and looked up at him my eyes flaring golden. And I growl, he wouldnt get that stafication but when he hit the knife in my arm I howl in pain.

Dont worry I'll be their I swear...

that all I hear from Avery before my attention is drawn back to him as he rips my shrit and jeans off, I am naked in front of him and his gaze as it roams over my body digust me. I dont want him anywhere near me.

I hear his zipper and I struggle harder even if its just one arm free I might be able to get out of this. But I feel him loam over me and then I feel his pain full entrance into me. My body rejects it I feel extreme pain explode through my body the pain drives the breathe from my lungs.

With every thrust I feel my restiance turn to nothing the pain is now mosterous that I just try to block everything out. But it feels like an eternity he doesnt tire as he pounds into my body all the burised bone and the bloody knife that was in my arm couldnt compare to the pain I was feeling right now.

I lay their lifeless as he does I screamed at first but now theirs nothing just hollowness. By the time he done I am to shatter to say anything, he runs his hand over my face pulling away the strands of hair that fall on my face.

He looked satifed while I feel gross misuded and just completely unworthy of my mates love. I wanted to cover myself up, but my hands were tied. I was didnt relize I was crying in tile he wiped away my tears, I move my head to look at him I just felt life less. He looked sad for a split second and then it was gone.

But even that was probably even that was just a trick of the eyes my mind was playing on me. He uncuffed my hands and legs he picked me up I wanted to fight him off but even the slightest motion sent pain everywhere. I had no choice other than to let him take me where he wanted. Before we left wherever we were he picked up an overzied jacket and draped it over my body.

I guesse we were in a house when he pushed open the door and we entered a hall way, But like the second time snice I've been near him I feel the darkness tugging at my mind. My body so crippled all I could do to heal was sleep. I feel alseep in his arm not comforting at all.

Again I was welcomed by the dark clutches of sleep.


Yay another Chapter (Unedited) I am suprsied I got around to this other than the fact that I just want to sleep and lay around my house. Anyways read read lol that what i've been doing anyways. Nuff of my endless little taling.

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