Chapter Twenty-Two

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Krey's POV

It had taken me a good two weeks before I was completely healthy again. And I'd spent most of my time sleeping and just spending with the pups. They were already growing fast. After two days there wolfs had regressed back and I was left with two beautiful baby wolfs.

Preston looking a lot like his father while Grey looked like me. She'd be a beautiful girl when she got older. All the boys would be after her. They had been busy once I was able to move and play with them more.

And I came to find that Preston was the calmer of the two while Grey was busy. She wanted to know what everything was and would get herself into trouble at every turn. But she was adorable.

Avery had been busy. The packs had found a few vampires lairs not around here but in a couple stated over and we'd destroyed it. But now the council believe us and it was going to be a major blood bath. And everyone was gearing up for war.

While all I was concerned with were the caring of my pups. I know it killed Avery to be way from them for long while. He would call every hour or so that he was away and ask how they were.

I took care of the pack while he was away. And for the most part there hadn't been any sighting of rouges. They'd all asked to join packs in fear of being attacked by a vampire.

We'd taken in a few around twenty so far. And they'd adjusted to pack life we'll. Some of the rouges even decided to get together with each other. I think the moon goddess was giving them a second chance.

It was comforting the pack was growing an soon we'd need more space but we were managing. We'd doubled the patrols on the boarder. I'd also had more wolves move into the pack house. To have number close to me and a large amount of wolves together.

Looking down as I was ripped out of my thoughts. Grey was looking at me. And I felt tongs of fear and pain grip my stomach. Her eyes glowed a vibrant red and she had fangs sticking out from her upper life. Vampire fangs, I'd just give birth to a hybrid. Looking over I saw Preston was having the same reaction.

I would have to get this fixed. Avery didn't need to know about this. No one would need to know. Pulling out my phone I texted an old friend if mine. A witch that would be able to seal there vampiric side away.

There was a reply and a time and place for me to meet her later tonight. I replied with an okay. And pocketed my phone turning my attention back to the twins.

But they were busy with another toy the fangs returning and there eyes dimming down. I breathed a sigh of relief for a money they were back to normal.

The day passed in a dizzy all I could think about was getting this taken care of, so when they were finally asleep with another female wolf. I left heading into town.

Speeding the whole way, thankful no one pulled me over. Because I was in a hurry. I reached the cafe she had told me to meet her at a couple minutes early.

Finding a seat at the back of the cafe I order a grande latte with an extra shot of expresso. It arrived a couple minutes later and I paid thanking the waiter. Drinking it calmed my nerves.

"Still looking good for someone who just gave birth to twins." Looking up from my drink I find my friend. She dressed in a midnight black dress and had crazy blonde hair and drink cat eyes. Her pale skin making her look like she sick.

"It's good to see you to Alandra. Do you have what I asked for?" I pressed and she say down placing her bag on the table.

"Always straight to business with you isn't it?! I swear you'll drive me into the ground. You see my skin color, this is because of what you had me make. To amulets to repress vampiric gene." She mumbled out digging through her bag producing the neckless.

"Thank you. And I am sorry for the late notice but I really needed them." I said as she placed them in my hand.

"Believe me it was evident. My coven has all but high tailed it into hiding. Vampires are recruiting witches. I've just about packed up shop. I'm moving to a location that I'm not allowed to disclose. Sad as it is, I'll be hanging with some pretty cool witches and warlocks." She said changing subject fast, she was always a little scattered brained.

"We'll it's better that your moving togheter. And yeah I understand. But seriously I know things are busy thanks for making these." I said clutching the neckless to my chest.

"No problem but you know I've got to know why you need them to repress a Vampiric gene." She said leaning in her elbows.

"It's for the twins. They have the gene. You remember how I was raped by a vampire before. I think he had a witch enchant his semen so it would take root in my womb." I said whispering to her so no one could hear me.

"That some heavy magic. Whoever did that for his was old. But rest assured my charms will do the job that's needed." She beamed and I chuckled. Looking down at he watch her eyes just about bulges out of her head.

"I've got to go. I have to leave town tonight to. You have my number, like they say I'm only a call away. You take care of yourself." She said giving me a kiss on my cheek and then waving good bye.

I finished my drink before I left. Speeding off back home. I got back in about twenty minutes flat. Climbing the stairs I head straight to the pups room. But a fimialr smell is coming from the room. Pushing the door open, I see Avery sitting by the pups crib.

"Avery!" I shout whisper and run to him. Hugging him tight he's been gone for two weeks now. He hugs me back inhaling my scent into his nose.

"You smell so damned good." He murmurs against my neck and I smiled.

"You don't smell to bad yourself." I chuckled as I sit on his lap.

"So good I want to take you right here. But I am sure that would wake up the pups." He said with a devilish grin and I smirk. He words arousing me, we hadn't done it since I'd been pregnant and I was itching for it.

"How about I say goodnight to the pups and you go get ready." I said and stroke his face. He smiled and nods leaving me in the pups room.

Pulling the neckless out I slip them onto each of there little necks. And they glow a bright red the crystal attached to the neckless and I smile. They would be normal werewolves for the most part.

After kissing there heads I leave the room heading to Avery. If only I'd know that soon a war would encompass the world and drag us out into bloodied battle. That would take everything to win.

All I knew for the moment was that I had Avery and my pups. I was happy and I would hold onto it with all my might


The End.

Yay I finally finished the story of Avery and Krey. But I planned to rewrite it because this was my first really completed story. Make things follow better and all that Jazz.

I want to thank everyone who's stuck with me through the whole story and supported me with your votes it means a lot to me.

So it look like I'll start rewriting everything durning the summer. Cuz of Sol's and everything. The basics of the story will stay the same, but I do have things I wanna improve.

But I've been working on a story for Preston and Grey. It'll be called Hybrid Origins.

And it'll come out sooner or later. If you wanna follow me so you know when that's be amazing.




And follow.

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