Chapter Fifteen

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|Unedited Sorry Angels|

Krey's POV

My mind was a little out of it for a second but everything started to come back into focus I had been attack and more blah blah blah they found me and then blah blah blah I was back in Avery's pack house. Or so I just found out however long ago she told me that. I felt better that was a good describing words but more detail I didnt feel on the verge of deaths door anymore.

And it was sweet to wake up and have my very stuborn mate their he looked good for just having a fight, their were a few cut still on his face, on leading over his eyebrow and then a couple of nicks and cut here and their on his cheeks. I smiled though he wasnt to hurt that was a good thing. Yeah I know I left pretty pissed but I had some time to think while gone. Although not as perfect as I would have hoped our relationship has gone it has gotten better. Maybe just maybe though I could give him a chance. Get to know each other better and everything. I mean I had to consedering that I was marked by him.

Thing were just bloody peach at that moment, but not to ruin the nice moment I pushed all thoese thoughts out of my head and though about this moment and nothing else. He looked worried and I knew it was beacuse I was layed up in the bed looking somewhat better not compltely better but hey what can I say I almsot died.

No when I woke up a couple hours ago before he was in here I had asked on for a mirror. To say the least no one would get me a mirror and well a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. I mean come on I needed to see what this hot mess looks like right? They though no because I just about got up and walked to one before they sedated me telling me I needed more sleep.

I only had a sence of dreed for what I must look like to him right now, but he must not see that beacuse he looking at me like I am the sun. I give me a small smile and in returne I get a full on grin if their had been a second pause his teeth would have done that sparkle thing in the movies. Thats how big and wide it was, he had nice teeth so it was some what okay.

"Hey Av you looking pretty good." I say beacuse in honesty he did not going to denine in my head at least. Trying to get me to say it out loud might be another challenge in its self.

I was rewarded with a deep chuckle.

"You dont look half bad your self." I gave him a wrinkled nose and a stare that says flattery will get you no where look. He shurgged and I just sighed.

"Your so funny they wouldnt give me a mirror I think that speck for itself."

"I see well the bed head gives it all sort of a regal look."

I gapped at that and hit him in the shoulder.

"How rude mister. Your mother would be ashamed."

He just gives me a evil sexy little grin and laughs a nice deep laugh that sent a shudder down through my whole body. I liked that feeling it was nice and comforting one that I could get use to hearing.

"Mom was the one that taught me how to talk to the lady."

He was a insane that was for sure no mother would ever teach their sons that he was delusional I should check him in the crazy house. I sat up streaching my arms my body feeling tense and sore from sitting around and doing nothing.

"Uh-huh I am sure that she taught you. You sure it wasn't wolves."

He took offence to that beacuse he gave me a sour look.

"I will have you know that they were very strong and knowldegeable wolves."

I started laughing between his face and the easy flowing conversation ti was nice. I just felt nice and whole with him that was a new feeling and one that I wouldnt mind if it stayed. Having a mate, just compltelted my soul. But that was the purpose of them in the frist place. So that we would never live our lives alone. But I still dont know if he really will be faithful to me I just feel a little broken. But hopeful that woulnt last for long. I take a deep breathe and give me a smile. He returns it with a dazzling one that has my heart on the fritz.

"I missed you, I didnt know if you were going to wake up." He speck softly I am only able to hear beacuse of my wolf. He leaned forward and places his hands on my shoulders leaning his forehead to mine were so close. "Just dont ever leave me please, dont go anywhere where I can protect you. Dont please Krey." His voice sounds soft and sweet like soft lyric, and I didn't say anything I just rest my forehead agasint his.

I think my heart just melted thoese were the sweetest words that I have ever heard anyone say to me, I just leaned agasint him.

Taking in the moment savoring it.


Phew I did it 2 am in the morning and I finished it

Acomplishment their yay.

I was working on this story and a new one, the other one I am going to enter into the watty awards, and turth be told its not a werewolf story. Shocker right?

Naw I think I might have to call it a night my eyes feel like bricks are attached to them. So goodnight or good morning to my Angels see you when I wake up, someone leave me a random comment or tell a joke. Lol

Vote comment and enjoy, love you Angels

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