Chapter Nine

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Krey's POV

Waking up naked with a hot guy is a good thing right. Well... for once it isnt a good thing, I was an idoit why did I let him mark me now I am his, no matter what happened he'll never learn his leason. Untangling myself from his body I head towards my scattred clothes and gather them up.

Running into the bathroom and I head instantly to the mirror and twist my neck around.

And my sharp intake is followed by tears that flow instaly down my face and I cant help it, the mark is beautiful but its a sharp reminder that I did that. I really wasn't ready for this mark, nor the duties of a Luna or anything like.

Their is a crossbow shape and then a crescent moon with veins it's prefect.

Shaking my head I sigh and quickly pull on everything my hair is a mess red wisp fly around my head. Thank you for the bad hair day god.

I am wiggling on my heels a little unstable my legs are starting to feel like jello. Damn this, I growl and try to stop the jello feeling.

And where the hell do you think we're going this early in the morning when our mate is right their?

We'll if your wondering I am leaving, so shut up

No! I don't want to leave!

We'll I do so suck it up pup

I hissed out before I blocked her out, and zip up my jacket and open the door looking at the bed.

Where my sleeping sex god of a Mate. I can't believe I had just thought that. I wanted to slap myself. But the sound might have woken him up.

I skit across the room to the door and open it bite my lip hard when I hear the creek checking back over at Avery.

He hadn't heard that thank god. I breathe in deeply my eyes dimming down. I step out and close the door lightly so it's doesn't make a sound.

Thank god theirs no one awake right now. I exhale thankfully and make my way quickly and soundlessly down the hall and towards the grand stairs.

I push open then door to the garage I could tell from the smell of gas and oil. They keys hang on a rack I smile and grab a set that is labeled to the motor cycle.

She is beautiful a dark black and then red licking on the side. I knew instantly I had to have her. So I took her opening the garage and smile as I rev the engine.

I take off speeding out of the gates and onto the road. My hair flew around me I knew it wasn't safe to ride without a helmet but right now I needed to clear my head and the icy wind was perfect.

I wasn't even thinking as I drove pushing the bike and my instincts further at each passing moment. Pushing my self faster clearing all thought just driving like its the only thing in the world.

I felt nice to just ride. My mind whirled as we drove thinking about nothing but also thinking bout everything. Strange I know.

When I saw the head lights I squint a little, blinded temporarily by the light high-beams. But that was enough they came over into my lane.

My hands grips the brakes and I turn we'll not really a turn I am thrown from the big, and hit the ground and roll hard into a tree.

My head is throbbing, it hurt and I mean it really fucking hurt. I growl a little at the pain. I am trying to sit up but my body feels like a ton of bricks is stacked on me.

And my head aching and everything is looking a little blurry. I raise my hand and it's a blur. This is not good.

I hope who ever was in the truck would hurry their ass up and get me into a hospital or take me home I much rather go home. But who knows weather or not they are even going to stop and get me. Humans are funny in that way if they think I am dead they arent going to want to admit to anything.

I almost black out but not before a heavy foot concets with my chest. I jerk at the pain gasphing for air my head hurting again. I look around my vivsion slightly clearer than before but not by much. But I inhale and smell a scent that I know. My eyes widden though nothing get clearer. Its the guy from the party but their is another scent this time. I growl.


Their scent is all around me and my wolf howls in anger why are they here. I want to stand up but the foot on my chest is currently preventing from moving an inch. I snarl at him.

"Now, now thats no way to treat the person that just ran you off the road." His voice is horrible its dripping with pure posion. What the hell did I do.

"Get your foot off my chest before I rip you in two." I hiss out stuggling under him but I feel my ribs are cracked damned that really hurt.

"I doubt that you would be able to do that, now just shut up and be quiet and I wouldnt have to use this sliver." I shut up for a second when I hear him say Sliver, my mind goes dark and I feel my wolf take over. She shifts and we stand red and white massing over him. He is taken by susprsie.

We use that to our advatage, Swinging my paw we slap him he hits a tree and slide down, I turn and sprint running away their are to many rouges for me to handle. But before I can get far I am tackled by to many wolves. For me to handle, trying to buck them off we get a few but I feel a stabing pain in my legs and then forlegs.

Damned I am going to fall and I do landing hard on my chest, I am heaving in breathes and I am forceable shifted out of my wolf form. She is whimpering huddles in a coner and right now I felt like completely and utter shit.

I lift my head to see a wolf with teeth the coated in sliver, he growl and shift I close my eye I know who it is the scent gives him away. I am laying naked under the eyes of to many wolfs for my liking. He slams his foot over and over into my rib cage. I am coughing when hes done my lugs feel like their is liquid in them and I am coucghing up dark blood.

I am unable to even speck when he lifts me up by my hair. I can only hope that he doesnt break my remaining ribs. I am so dazzed and dizzy I can't even see right now.

"Bitch, I told you not to or I'd use sliver and look you had to go and make me use it. And now I had to crush you from the inside out." He sound remorseful almost like he didnt want to hurt me I chuckle at that. What a fat chance that was. Before I can respond I scream the knife is in my side my body is burning.

"What did I tell you I'm going to crush you from the inside out." With that he digs the knife deeper and deeper into my side causing me to scream and sob. But just as sudden as the pain had been their it was gone my body no longer able to take the strain.

The darkness conusmes me in a dark embrace its pain free and I welcome it just like it welcomed me. I dont know whats going to happen when I wake up but I didnt want to think about that right now more like I coudlnt think of that right now.


Ello everyone I sorry I am just getting around to posting when I said I would shot for another last weekend. But its a half day for me so I spent lots of time think about this so here is a post. I hope everyone like its. ( and unedited like normal sorry bout that guys)

Remeber Love, Vote, Comment and have fun. I finally brought some rouges about but they had to bash up Krey's so not fair to her right. 

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